Health & Medical Nutrition

A Real Weight Loss Solution That Will Work for You Based on Glycemic Index

Glycemic Index Explained This is a way to measure how sugar affects the body.
Foods are scored between 1 and 100 depending on the speed at which they are absorbed into the bloodstream.
A score of 100 indicates that this absorption happens immediately.
When blood sugar rises your pancreas releases a hormone called insulin.
This hormone helps promote the absorption of blood sugar by the cells which converts it to energy.
Insulin is also a fat storage hormone that turns excess blood sugar into stored fat.
An important fact to remember is the more sugar in your body, the more insulin which means more fat stored.
Avoid High Glycemic Foods Foods considered high glycemic are those with a rating between 55 and 100.
This means that the absorption of sugar ranges from fast to immediate.
Foods in this category include some of the basic staples of our diet that should be replaced with healthier foods.
The following are estimates of the glycemic content of foods since different formulas and methods are used by each organization providing information.
The data presented was taken from a chart listed by The Food Farce website.
Category/Rating Potatoes Baked/95 Fries/95 Mashed/90 Chips/90 Boiled/70 Rice Instant/95 Cakes/95 Puffed/85 White/70 Long Grain/60 Corn Flakes/85 Popcorn/85 Steamed/70 Although these figures are estimates, know that the foods listed here should be avoided if you want to lose or maintain your weight.
Choose Low Glycemic Foods Foods in this category have a rating of 55 or lower and make good substitutes for those listed in the previous category.
Foods in this category have a slow to medium rate of absorption so decrease the production of insulin leading to less or no fat storage for foods with very low ratings.
Category/Rating Pasta Whole wheat/50 Whole Grain/40 Rice Brown/50 Wild/35 Beans Kidney/40 Green/30 Foods with rating less than 15 include green leafy vegetables, broccoli, tomatoes, garlic, onions and other vegetables.
Eat as many vegetables as you want with no worries of weight gain.
Learn to savor and enjoy the foods on this list and the benefits gained by including these and similar foods in your diet.
This is a weight loss solution you can keep in mind and understand that will give you the results you have been looking for.
Access the full listing of glycemic ratings, print a copy and use as a guide to healthy nutrition and successful weight loss.
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