- Going it alone in your job search is not wise in a struggling economy, so put out feelers wherever possible. Let friends, family members and former colleagues know that you are looking for work. Additionally, consider getting listed with a temporary employment service or head hunter. Often a temp job can become permanent if things work out well, and head hunters are privy to job openings not posted online or in papers.
- At one point in time, job seekers were told to keep their search as precise as possible to make finding a job easier. Since the economy has changed, it is best for job seekers to broaden their horizons. Consider applying for jobs in different fields of employment or different locations. Leave no stone unturned.
- In a competitive job market you have no room for error when you are applying for jobs. For this reason, you need to make sure you have a resume that is perfect. Make sure to check it carefully for grammar and spelling errors and make sure that all of your information is up-to-date. If at all possible have your resume done professionally.
Once you are positive that your resume is up to par, get it circulating. Post a virtual copy of your resume on job boards. Then, print your resume on resume paper and have at least ten copies on hand at all times.
Enlisting Help
Broad Horizons