Geothermal heat pumps are a way to produce energy that essentially makes use of the power of the sun. While different from traditional solar power, the use of geothermal heat pumps is incredibly energy efficient and it helps you to save significantly on your electricity bills. When you install geothermal in your home, you can use the heat pump to both cool your house and heat your house in one of the most energy efficient ways possible.
How Do Geothermal Heat Pumps Work?
The key to understanding how geothermal heat pumps work is to understand that the soil below the surface of the earth does not change in temperature nearly as drastically as the air does. Underground below the frost line, the temperature maintains a consistent temperature that is far steadier than the air. In the Southeast, this steady temperature maintained below the frost line is around 65 degrees.
When you install a geothermal heat pump, loops are buried approximately fifty to seventy five feet underground, below the frost level, and are kept at this 65-degree temperature. The liquid in the loop circulates through the underground loop system and is moved to the geothermal heat pump. Geothermal heat pumps are then able to convert the liquid energy into energy that heats and cools your home.
Because most people usually keep their house temperature in a range of about 65-73 degrees depending on season and comfort level, the 65 degree liquid only needs to be heated or cooled a small amount in order to achieve the desired temperature for air in your home. This means that significant energy is saved because your heating system does not need to make large temperature adjustments to heat or cool.
Installing a Geothermal System
When a geothermal system is installed, there are three components you will need. A geothermal system is one required component. There are two types of systems available. Depending on your individual needs and space, the system may be water based or a direct exchange geothermal system. Your second component is the earth loop, which is responsible for transferring the heat from the earth to the pump. The final component is the air handler that distributes the warmed or cooled air to the rest of the home. Because the system is a multi-part system, it is important to have a qualified HVAC contractor with knowledge of geothermal heating and cooling install a system that meet your individual requirements.
While there is an up front cost to purchasing the components of the system, there are often tax credits provided by the government to offset the cost and encourage making this energy-efficient choice. Geothermal systems will also eventually pay for themselves by saving energy and reducing your utility bills.
Finding the Right Contractor
Once you have decided to have a geothermal system installed, it's important that you find a trustworthy contractor to perform the work. Look for someone who:
. Has been working with geothermal systems for a long period of time.
. Has a proven track record of satisfied customers.
. Offers fair pricing.
Do your research before hiring a contractor and you will be much happier with the end result.
How Do Geothermal Heat Pumps Work?
The key to understanding how geothermal heat pumps work is to understand that the soil below the surface of the earth does not change in temperature nearly as drastically as the air does. Underground below the frost line, the temperature maintains a consistent temperature that is far steadier than the air. In the Southeast, this steady temperature maintained below the frost line is around 65 degrees.
When you install a geothermal heat pump, loops are buried approximately fifty to seventy five feet underground, below the frost level, and are kept at this 65-degree temperature. The liquid in the loop circulates through the underground loop system and is moved to the geothermal heat pump. Geothermal heat pumps are then able to convert the liquid energy into energy that heats and cools your home.
Because most people usually keep their house temperature in a range of about 65-73 degrees depending on season and comfort level, the 65 degree liquid only needs to be heated or cooled a small amount in order to achieve the desired temperature for air in your home. This means that significant energy is saved because your heating system does not need to make large temperature adjustments to heat or cool.
Installing a Geothermal System
When a geothermal system is installed, there are three components you will need. A geothermal system is one required component. There are two types of systems available. Depending on your individual needs and space, the system may be water based or a direct exchange geothermal system. Your second component is the earth loop, which is responsible for transferring the heat from the earth to the pump. The final component is the air handler that distributes the warmed or cooled air to the rest of the home. Because the system is a multi-part system, it is important to have a qualified HVAC contractor with knowledge of geothermal heating and cooling install a system that meet your individual requirements.
While there is an up front cost to purchasing the components of the system, there are often tax credits provided by the government to offset the cost and encourage making this energy-efficient choice. Geothermal systems will also eventually pay for themselves by saving energy and reducing your utility bills.
Finding the Right Contractor
Once you have decided to have a geothermal system installed, it's important that you find a trustworthy contractor to perform the work. Look for someone who:
. Has been working with geothermal systems for a long period of time.
. Has a proven track record of satisfied customers.
. Offers fair pricing.
Do your research before hiring a contractor and you will be much happier with the end result.