If you always wake up at three or four a.
in the morning, it is mostly caused by the decreasing of the blood level and the increasing of the secretion of adrenaline in the body.
Of course, what you eat before going to bed is very important.
As long as you choose and eat correctly before bedtime, it will not affect the health of your body.
What's more, it can help relax yourself before going to bed and promote sleep quality.
Firstly, whole-wheat bread Whole-wheat bread is made from wheat glutelin.
It contains a large number of anti-inflammatory factor and dietary fibers, which can clear away the acid substances in the intestinal tract, and is beneficial to the growth of probiotics.
Secondly, yoghourt Many people hold that eating dairy products before bedtime will make people fat.
In fact, such an opinion is not correct.
Yoghourt contains plenty of probiotics, which can inhibit the accumulation of fat and promote its decomposition, so it has an unexpected effect for weight loss.
What's more, probiotics can also regulate the balance of bacteria in the intestinal tract, kill harmful bacteria, promote the discharge of toxins, improve the immunity of intestinal tract, and so on.
Thirdly, almond Many nutritionists recommend almond as the snack during the night, not only because it can give people a satiety feeling, but also because the cell wall structure of almond can prevent the absorption of fat by human body, so as to protect people from getting fat.
What's more, almond is rich in tryptophan and magnesium, which can calm the nerve and relax the muscle respectively, so almond can help promote the sleep quality.
Fourthly, pumpkin Chinese traditional medicine believes that pumpkin is warm in nature, which can moisten the lung and enrich the blood, and has a special beauty-care effect for women.
Modern researches also find out that pumpkin is low in calories, so it will not make people get fat.
What's more, it contains great amounts of dietary fiber and pectin, which not only can give people a satiety feeling, but also can absorb the metabolic wastes and carcinogenic substance nitrous acid, and help expel the toxins out of the intestinal tract during the sleeping process.
Fifthly, potato Potato contains no fat and cholesterol, and is low in calories, which is only 21% of that contained in rice with the same weight.
In addition, potato is rich in dietary fiber, which can make you not easily feel hunger.
Eating some potatoes before going to bed not only will not make you fat, but also can help you sleep more soundly.
This is because the alkaline compounds contained in potato have the effect of promoting sleep quality.
in the morning, it is mostly caused by the decreasing of the blood level and the increasing of the secretion of adrenaline in the body.
Of course, what you eat before going to bed is very important.
As long as you choose and eat correctly before bedtime, it will not affect the health of your body.
What's more, it can help relax yourself before going to bed and promote sleep quality.
Firstly, whole-wheat bread Whole-wheat bread is made from wheat glutelin.
It contains a large number of anti-inflammatory factor and dietary fibers, which can clear away the acid substances in the intestinal tract, and is beneficial to the growth of probiotics.
Secondly, yoghourt Many people hold that eating dairy products before bedtime will make people fat.
In fact, such an opinion is not correct.
Yoghourt contains plenty of probiotics, which can inhibit the accumulation of fat and promote its decomposition, so it has an unexpected effect for weight loss.
What's more, probiotics can also regulate the balance of bacteria in the intestinal tract, kill harmful bacteria, promote the discharge of toxins, improve the immunity of intestinal tract, and so on.
Thirdly, almond Many nutritionists recommend almond as the snack during the night, not only because it can give people a satiety feeling, but also because the cell wall structure of almond can prevent the absorption of fat by human body, so as to protect people from getting fat.
What's more, almond is rich in tryptophan and magnesium, which can calm the nerve and relax the muscle respectively, so almond can help promote the sleep quality.
Fourthly, pumpkin Chinese traditional medicine believes that pumpkin is warm in nature, which can moisten the lung and enrich the blood, and has a special beauty-care effect for women.
Modern researches also find out that pumpkin is low in calories, so it will not make people get fat.
What's more, it contains great amounts of dietary fiber and pectin, which not only can give people a satiety feeling, but also can absorb the metabolic wastes and carcinogenic substance nitrous acid, and help expel the toxins out of the intestinal tract during the sleeping process.
Fifthly, potato Potato contains no fat and cholesterol, and is low in calories, which is only 21% of that contained in rice with the same weight.
In addition, potato is rich in dietary fiber, which can make you not easily feel hunger.
Eating some potatoes before going to bed not only will not make you fat, but also can help you sleep more soundly.
This is because the alkaline compounds contained in potato have the effect of promoting sleep quality.