Health & Medical Acne

3 More Tips For How Cleansing Affects Acne

In our last article, we talked about how it's a pure myth to think that dirt, or being dirty, is the the cause of acne.
For the most part, acne is caused by body chemistry and other factors that you don't always have total control over, or can do anything about.
However, there are some suggestions for how your cleaning regimen can keep your skin healthy, and improve the way your skin looks.
Acne Control Tip #1 -- Don't squeeze or pick your blemishes.
It's always tempting to squeeze them with your fingers, pop them with a pin, or try to get under them with tweezers.
All this will succeed in doing is forcing the bacteria deeper into your skin, making the inflammation and infection even worse.
You'll also damage your skin, making it more likely that this outbreak will leave a nasty acne scar.
Acne Control Tip #2 -- Don't touch your face with your hands.
Your hands are covered with bacteria, including the kind that causes acne.
But it doesn't actually cause acne until it gets sunk into your pores, or into your hair follicles.
The more you touch your face, the more likely you are to get this bacteria deeper into your skin and into your pores, where is can begin to cause an outbreak.
Acne Control Tip #3 -- Wash off after you exercise or sweat.
When you exercise, you generate heat.
Your clothing and workout gear create friction, and your body temperature can change.
Until you take a shower and wash off, the heat and moisture is trapped against your skin, creating a great place for bacteria to grow and thrive.
So, whenever you can, shower after exercising.
These tips will help you control your acne, or at least, not make outbreaks worse.
In a lot of cases, you should follow common sense, and not give into hype or common wisdom.
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