You might consider an investment property loan if you are finding it difficult to make the payments on your rental or investment properties. This is especially true if your ARM has made it hard for you to afford your monthly payments or if your property value is less than your loan balance. Before consulting a lender, consider the points in this article. While most of the government assistance programs are aimed at homeowners, there are also some programs for investors. Banks don't want to foreclose on properties any more than you want your property foreclosed, so they offer options of loan modification for investors as well as homeowner. Modifications might include extending the length of the loan, reducing the interest rate, or other options aimed toward reducing your monthly mortgage payment. The first thing you'll want to provide to your lender is an estimate of your property's market value. If your loan on the property is higher than the value of your property, you will be more likely to get approved for loan modification. Be prepared to show your lender why you're having difficulty meeting your existing loan terms. Are your renters having trouble paying you? Be sure to explain your situation in detail to your bank. Prepare thoroughly for your meeting with your lender by preparing the documentation they will need to review. Prepare updated versions of your financial statement, budget, list of tenants and rental income, etc. Pay close attention to detail to the information you provide in your application and supplemental documents as any false information, whether intentional or not, will not be well received.