Vegetables have always been associated with healthy eating.
In every way they are associated with nutrition and health benefits, and as we all know we have to eat them.
Their shape, the way they do or do not taste, the look, the texture these are just some of the reasons most people do not like vegetables.
What most people do not know is that there are very simple ways to get your vegetables in without the taste or texture.
Probably one of the best and easiest ways to consume this produce without gagging is to boil it and hide it.
Best produce for that? Spinach.
High in Vitamin K, this member of the lettuce family assists your body when in high stress situations by helping to replenish the energy storage cells.
Under high degrees of stress, the body immediately turns to the good energy cells.
These cells are typically what we use to bounce out of bed in the morning, or rush off to take the kids to soccer practice and feel good about it.
Some examples of high stress could be a tight deadline at work, or even the loss of a loved one however; just the thought of going to work is enough to make some people to cringe.
Under high degrees of pressure the body does not turn to fat cells to burn off and keep the body going.
It automatically turns to what we use to for day-to-day activities.
When eating spinach, it will assist the body by increasing the amount of energy cells.
Ingesting spinach on a daily basis can be done easily and has major health benefits.
Cannot stand the taste of lettuce, or worse the thought of eating leaves? Hide it in your meals.
By placing spinach into a boil pot of water, it will shrivel up so much that two cups of Spinach will become as small as a few tablespoons.
So you've boiled now what?Boiled spinach can be added to any meal.
I put mine in lasagna for added taste, but also because lasagna is so heartwarming that when given to family in high stress situations, they do not notice the spinach that is in it is helping their bodies cope.
But you do not have to put it in lasagna to have them eat it.
Another thought could be to mix it in with a casserole, or even a soup, just to name a few.
There are many ways to hide vegetables in your food so that even you do not know it is present.
Although we all know produce is essential to the entire make up of the human anatomy, few of us get in the daily requirements.
The Canada food guide can be very intimidating listing as many as 8 - 10 servings.
But those servings are as small as ½ c means one serving.
Looking at it from that perspective, it is not as daunting a task.
And since there is such an array of vegetables to choose from, there has to be even just one that you can tolerate.
One of my favorite recipes for getting fruits AND vegetables in are called Yummy Fruit and Veggies in a Blender.
I created this for my own children and they eat it up in no time! It consists of Carrots, a Tomato, 1 c of Green Grapes and a Banana.
That's it.
All into the blender and everyone is none the wiser.
This simple recipe that takes about 2 minutes to make, is considered two fruits and two vegetables on the Canada Food guide.
(And it tastes like Banana!) For additional protein, add 8 oz.
of tofu.
(You can get plain so that there is no taste, and it also makes for a thicker consistency.
)Want all of your fruits and vegetables out of the way at once? Add spinach to the blend and a little more bananas.
This will help your body become accustomed to the nutrients that you are eating and is a great way to get them all in, not to mention a delicious menu for a hot summer sun.
Check out the full recipe at my website.
Oh, and just one last quick tip!If you decide to make your own mix, let me warn you ahead of timethat cucumber is not that great for the mix.
The drink comes out green and tastes purely like cucumber, and there is no masking it!So you can save yourself a little time and not bother wasting the money I've already done that for you! So enjoy the quick and delicious way to eating your vegetables and welcome to the path of eating healthy!You are on your way to a better and healthier lifestyle!
In every way they are associated with nutrition and health benefits, and as we all know we have to eat them.
Their shape, the way they do or do not taste, the look, the texture these are just some of the reasons most people do not like vegetables.
What most people do not know is that there are very simple ways to get your vegetables in without the taste or texture.
Probably one of the best and easiest ways to consume this produce without gagging is to boil it and hide it.
Best produce for that? Spinach.
High in Vitamin K, this member of the lettuce family assists your body when in high stress situations by helping to replenish the energy storage cells.
Under high degrees of stress, the body immediately turns to the good energy cells.
These cells are typically what we use to bounce out of bed in the morning, or rush off to take the kids to soccer practice and feel good about it.
Some examples of high stress could be a tight deadline at work, or even the loss of a loved one however; just the thought of going to work is enough to make some people to cringe.
Under high degrees of pressure the body does not turn to fat cells to burn off and keep the body going.
It automatically turns to what we use to for day-to-day activities.
When eating spinach, it will assist the body by increasing the amount of energy cells.
Ingesting spinach on a daily basis can be done easily and has major health benefits.
Cannot stand the taste of lettuce, or worse the thought of eating leaves? Hide it in your meals.
By placing spinach into a boil pot of water, it will shrivel up so much that two cups of Spinach will become as small as a few tablespoons.
So you've boiled now what?Boiled spinach can be added to any meal.
I put mine in lasagna for added taste, but also because lasagna is so heartwarming that when given to family in high stress situations, they do not notice the spinach that is in it is helping their bodies cope.
But you do not have to put it in lasagna to have them eat it.
Another thought could be to mix it in with a casserole, or even a soup, just to name a few.
There are many ways to hide vegetables in your food so that even you do not know it is present.
Although we all know produce is essential to the entire make up of the human anatomy, few of us get in the daily requirements.
The Canada food guide can be very intimidating listing as many as 8 - 10 servings.
But those servings are as small as ½ c means one serving.
Looking at it from that perspective, it is not as daunting a task.
And since there is such an array of vegetables to choose from, there has to be even just one that you can tolerate.
One of my favorite recipes for getting fruits AND vegetables in are called Yummy Fruit and Veggies in a Blender.
I created this for my own children and they eat it up in no time! It consists of Carrots, a Tomato, 1 c of Green Grapes and a Banana.
That's it.
All into the blender and everyone is none the wiser.
This simple recipe that takes about 2 minutes to make, is considered two fruits and two vegetables on the Canada Food guide.
(And it tastes like Banana!) For additional protein, add 8 oz.
of tofu.
(You can get plain so that there is no taste, and it also makes for a thicker consistency.
)Want all of your fruits and vegetables out of the way at once? Add spinach to the blend and a little more bananas.
This will help your body become accustomed to the nutrients that you are eating and is a great way to get them all in, not to mention a delicious menu for a hot summer sun.
Check out the full recipe at my website.
Oh, and just one last quick tip!If you decide to make your own mix, let me warn you ahead of timethat cucumber is not that great for the mix.
The drink comes out green and tastes purely like cucumber, and there is no masking it!So you can save yourself a little time and not bother wasting the money I've already done that for you! So enjoy the quick and delicious way to eating your vegetables and welcome to the path of eating healthy!You are on your way to a better and healthier lifestyle!