- 1). Open your HTML newsletter in your text editor.
- 2). Check for commented HTML. HTML comments are formatted like this, <!-- This is a comment -->. If you are using a template to insert the text it may say something like, <!-- Begin Editing --> or <!-- Add Text Here-->. All HTML comments begin with the "<!--" tag and end with the "-->" tag. They can be multiple lines long.
- 3). Place your text below the comments. You do not have to remove the comments from the HTML. In fact, keeping the comments intact will help you locate the text again easily.
- 1). Open your HTML newsletter in your text editor.
- 2). Check for HTML comments as above. If you do not find any, look at the other HTML tags. All text must between any <body> and </body> tags. Look for IDs or classes within tags that denote text, such as, <p> or <td>. IDs and classes can be named anything. Text can go between any <p> and </p> tags as these tags denote paragraphs.
- 3). Look for filler text such as Lorem Ipsum or other text telling you what kind of text to put in that area. Select the text and replace it with your own.
- 4). Place your text anywhere between the body tags. Save your HTML file and open it in your web browser to see where the text shows up. Placing text around a set of tags such as, "Hello, <i> Our Newsletter</i> is going out to..." will cause the text to act differently. In the example, "Our Newsletter" would be italicized and the rest of the text will not be italicized.
- 1). Open your newsletter template on your direct mail service website.
- 2). Choose edit mode. Depending on the service, you may have to click on something similar to "Edit this Email."
- 3). Click on the edit button for the section where you wanted to add text. The standard edit button looks like a rectangle with a pen or a pencil. It may also just say "edit."
- 4). Select the filler text and replace it with your own.
- 5). Click "Save."
Commented HTML
HTML with No Comments
Using a Direct Mail Service