Technology Programming

White Papers & Other Documents - including ALFLB

Alf has recently moved his main website to which he found to be a relatively quick and almost pain-free process.

A link to this new website appears below. This new site contains all the documents from his previous site, plus a few more, given that his disk usage is now a generous 'infinity'!

The main work is arguably ALFLB which includes various functions available in the ALFLB Function Library, licensed as LGPL. ALFLB is a grab-bag or potpourri of all sorts of useful tools: some are simple, some are more involved
and make up functional suites.

ALFLB is something that has been growing and maturing for decades. Many of these routines have been used in multiple projects across multiple platforms & they are as tough and as stable as possible.

Some of them are one or two liners, for example, the Indexed List Macros, NEXT and PREV, but behind this code stands rigorous testing and long-term usage, with improvements being made where necessary.

The coding style, even down to routine names and some return values, have been influenced by particular projects that I had been working on at the time: for example, d_string.c and convescs.c perform complimentary functions, but were written 15 years apart, and the coding styles vary by the breadth of time, the span of companies and projects and just through experience.

A few years ago, I was motivated to build a suite of routines, plus some wrapper routines for old code, using my Ezi-String types. I do not think it is worthwhile converting or creating a wrapper for every
string function to Ezi-Strings, but I now have a simple, tough string library and type which is low-impact, and easily usable by legacy code.

Enjoy... they are there to make the chore of programming into a happier experience with the knowledge that the code is usable, stable and generally simple enough even for new project members
to use readily.

More information can be found in the document alflb.pdf, which is also included with the sources in the .zip file: just follow the links.

Included on the site are:

'Optimized Binary Search where Accessing a Record is 'Expensive';
A Discourse on Indexed Lists Used as Queues;
Discovering MAC Addresses Through Binary Tree Requests;
A description on how to use and modify libpng;
Coding_standard_names in C & C++ Code;
Alien's Bash Tutorial;
Seven Sins of the Specifier;
Writing in C++: Ellemtel Rules and Recommendations;
A discourse on S-Records;
Brewing Great Beer - tips & hints;
A mnemonic method for remembering the Periodic Table of the Elements - 1972 Morwell High School Version.

The new website is at

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