- 1). Compare prices for multiple book selling sites at a single location, such as Priceviewer.com or Thecheapestbook.com. Enter the title or ISBN (number on the bar code) of the book and automatically multiple sites come up with your particular book and the lowest prices on the book, as well as the best shipping costs. Use this method in particular for textbooks when having the correct edition and ISBN number is necessary.
- 2). Check online sites such as Barnesandnoble.com and Amazon.com for a wide variety of new and used books at sometimes very low prices. Look also for deals on free shipping at both of these websites.
- 3). Go to the public library to find a plethora of used books, especially if your library or a local Friends of the Library group has an annual book sale. Find used books at the prices ranging from a quarter up to $1.
- 4). Look in used bookstores to find cheap prices on books. Look for new books at these stores too because many store owners like to carry brand new books by local authors.
- 5). Watch for advertisements in your local newspaper for book mobiles, especially if you want to purchase books for home-schooling your children. Look for a wide variety in curricula at the book mobile sales.
- 6). Shop at factory outlet bookstores to find drastically reduced prices in books. Look for brand new books at these outlet stores up to 75 percent off the regular price.
- 7). Visit traveling book fairs in your local area as many new book publishers use book fairs to get the word out about their businesses and sell books at reduced rates. Look for advertisements about these book fairs online, in your local paper or even on announcements your child brings home from school.
- 8). Trade the books you have with others. Trade books that you have already read with friends. Find online sites such as Bookexchange.com or Goodreads.com to trade books and pay only for the cost of shipping, which is usually very inexpensive. Make sure to write "Media Mail" on the outside of the envelope before mailing to get the lowest shipping price possible.