The symptoms of diabetes are frequently dismissed because they seem harmless.
You may be thirsty more of the time, and have an increase of urine output.
You could lose weight unexpectedly, be easily fatigued and have frequent infections.
All of these are signs of diabetes.
There are two types; type one is a complete inability to secrete insulin, and usually strikes children and young adults.
The cause is unknown, but may be an immunodeficiency illness.
The islet cells in the pancreas are destroyed, and cannot produce this hormone necessary for processing blood sugar.
The symptoms for type one are unusual thirst, increased urination, weight loss, fatigue, irritability, extreme hunger, fatigue and irritability.
Many people believe type two diabetes is caused by eating sweets, but that's not precisely true.
Two of the main causes are obesity and lack of exercise.
In this case, the pancreas may produce some insulin, but either it doesn't produce enough or the body loses its ability to use it.
The latter is called insulin resistance.
The symptoms for type two include all of those for type one, but there are some additions.
An increased number of infections, particularly of skin, gum or bladder is one sign.
Blurred vision, tingling in the hands and feet can occur as well as an increase of the time it takes to recover from a wound or bruise.
If the disease is diagnosed early, it is easier to put off or even prevent some of the complications that can come up.
Diabetes can cause blindness, destroy the kidneys and cause wounds that won't heal.
Sometimes, those wounds get so bad an amputation is necessary.
It can affect the nerves, causing pain signals to be sent to your brain even though there is no injury.
High blood pressure, heart disease and strokes are also possible.
In the next article, I will discuss the treatments often used, dietary concerns and herbs that may...
and may not...
be used by diabetics.
One quick hint; three major double blind clinical trials have been done on one herbal remedy..
and the conclusion thus far is that it works.
You may be thirsty more of the time, and have an increase of urine output.
You could lose weight unexpectedly, be easily fatigued and have frequent infections.
All of these are signs of diabetes.
There are two types; type one is a complete inability to secrete insulin, and usually strikes children and young adults.
The cause is unknown, but may be an immunodeficiency illness.
The islet cells in the pancreas are destroyed, and cannot produce this hormone necessary for processing blood sugar.
The symptoms for type one are unusual thirst, increased urination, weight loss, fatigue, irritability, extreme hunger, fatigue and irritability.
Many people believe type two diabetes is caused by eating sweets, but that's not precisely true.
Two of the main causes are obesity and lack of exercise.
In this case, the pancreas may produce some insulin, but either it doesn't produce enough or the body loses its ability to use it.
The latter is called insulin resistance.
The symptoms for type two include all of those for type one, but there are some additions.
An increased number of infections, particularly of skin, gum or bladder is one sign.
Blurred vision, tingling in the hands and feet can occur as well as an increase of the time it takes to recover from a wound or bruise.
If the disease is diagnosed early, it is easier to put off or even prevent some of the complications that can come up.
Diabetes can cause blindness, destroy the kidneys and cause wounds that won't heal.
Sometimes, those wounds get so bad an amputation is necessary.
It can affect the nerves, causing pain signals to be sent to your brain even though there is no injury.
High blood pressure, heart disease and strokes are also possible.
In the next article, I will discuss the treatments often used, dietary concerns and herbs that may...
and may not...
be used by diabetics.
One quick hint; three major double blind clinical trials have been done on one herbal remedy..
and the conclusion thus far is that it works.