Materialistic existence in the consumerist 3rd millennium puts so much importance on the existence of thought, this matter which composes our consciousness. Residing in matter, your mind will always contain terrors, worries and concerns because a material world always demands material security, satisfaction and permanence. When we are called to do (or make or say) something, we get to feel alarm, upset and and distressed.
That is not what makes for a happy or healthy life. You would want to live unbound to such necessities and achieve tranquility and ecstasy. This is where meditation comes along as the only thing handy.
Meditation is the removal of everything from your consciousness. When that transpires, tranquility and stillness enter your mind. A mind that is quiet stimulates energy that would open your perceptions without any false impressions.
Consciousness is awareness of our surroundings and encounters, also our thoughts and dreams. Thus, consciousness means your concept of self.
We see the beauty of the sea, the mountain, the land and we are moved. We are moved by that splendor because we have a past memory of similar splendors of nature. That acknowledgment exists because there had been a previous association.
A lifetime gives us different encounters and notions that, in time, define who we are. We become everything that we have experienced and reflected upon.
Each person goes through all sorts of experiences and the mind wants more and better experiences, as well as other frameworks, other dimensions. Experiences that are restricted are dull and meaningless and your mind would long for the absolute limitless awareness.
Meditation is a state of mind where there is no experience, where time doesnt exist, without past or future, where there is no self. In this state there is no desire nor quest for a sense of security or pleasure because these will be future events, thus, bound to time. Thus these thoughts are restricted by the concept of time, which you must discard to achieve that state outside of time. A condition that is so not common.
Meditation, thus, is when the mind contains no will, no desire, no concept of time, therefore the self is no longer apart from everything else. You become one with everything. The you, me, she, this, that, will then disappear - nothing now separates you from your surroundings.
Practicing meditation techniques together with the different yogic poses grant you a direct link-up to and clarity to the What Is as well as distinguish everything happening in the Now.
As all the asanas flex your body and allows free and easy circulation of blood and nourishment and release of toxins from the body, the integration of meditation liberates your consciousness from the shadow of previous experiences, yearnings for future encounters and most importantly, your self-concept. The combination of the yogic sequences and meditation techniques clears you of all these.
This lays your consciousness open to acquiring peace, serenity and wealth. This leads you away from pain and anguish towards complete liberation.
That is not what makes for a happy or healthy life. You would want to live unbound to such necessities and achieve tranquility and ecstasy. This is where meditation comes along as the only thing handy.
Meditation is the removal of everything from your consciousness. When that transpires, tranquility and stillness enter your mind. A mind that is quiet stimulates energy that would open your perceptions without any false impressions.
Consciousness is awareness of our surroundings and encounters, also our thoughts and dreams. Thus, consciousness means your concept of self.
We see the beauty of the sea, the mountain, the land and we are moved. We are moved by that splendor because we have a past memory of similar splendors of nature. That acknowledgment exists because there had been a previous association.
A lifetime gives us different encounters and notions that, in time, define who we are. We become everything that we have experienced and reflected upon.
Each person goes through all sorts of experiences and the mind wants more and better experiences, as well as other frameworks, other dimensions. Experiences that are restricted are dull and meaningless and your mind would long for the absolute limitless awareness.
Meditation is a state of mind where there is no experience, where time doesnt exist, without past or future, where there is no self. In this state there is no desire nor quest for a sense of security or pleasure because these will be future events, thus, bound to time. Thus these thoughts are restricted by the concept of time, which you must discard to achieve that state outside of time. A condition that is so not common.
Meditation, thus, is when the mind contains no will, no desire, no concept of time, therefore the self is no longer apart from everything else. You become one with everything. The you, me, she, this, that, will then disappear - nothing now separates you from your surroundings.
Practicing meditation techniques together with the different yogic poses grant you a direct link-up to and clarity to the What Is as well as distinguish everything happening in the Now.
As all the asanas flex your body and allows free and easy circulation of blood and nourishment and release of toxins from the body, the integration of meditation liberates your consciousness from the shadow of previous experiences, yearnings for future encounters and most importantly, your self-concept. The combination of the yogic sequences and meditation techniques clears you of all these.
This lays your consciousness open to acquiring peace, serenity and wealth. This leads you away from pain and anguish towards complete liberation.