Blogging about your life for the world to see and sharing emotions and feelings with complete strangers isn't everyone's cup of tea! Especially for your average petrolhead, who would prefer to be at home covered in oil with a spanner in their hands, rather than a mouse and a keyboard.
However, if anyone was to ask them about their cars and what they love about them, that would be a different story, even on virtual platforms, such as blogs or chatrooms.
Many people in the custom car scene chat for hours about cars and always seem keen to share and exchange knowledge and tips they have picked up during their projects over the years.
Four-wheeled fanatics have a wealth of experience and are often a first port of call when people are in need of advice.
Many amateur car builders want to record the step-by-step construction of their latest project car and show it off at every stage, from the day it was picked up to when they first take to the road.
This can create a full virtual diary and handbook for anyone that gets to read it.
When the cars are finally finished and then displayed at the shows, nobody gets to see all the hard work that has gone to get it there.
However, with the recent emergence of motoring community websites, car fans are now being encouraged to have their own motoring blog [http://www.
com/blogs] as well as post their own pictures and videos.
This allows petrolheads around the world to record and archive the hard work they have put into making their machines stand out from the crowd.
Building or modifying a car is for many an all consuming passion, whether it is working on a vintage Ford or the latest in Japanese imports.
Even though it's a drain on both time and cash, when it's all finished and you know that people are viewing and rating your ride online around the world, it's all worthwhile.
Not only do these sites allow people to post about their cars, it also allows a place for them to chat with fellow enthusiasts.
Some sell aftermarket parts and offer them at great discount prices, and some just wish to trade a few spare parts that they have kicking about in their garages at home.
Whether it's the answer to an awkward problem which has everybody stumped, locating an elusive spare part or just a place to chat and show off a motor, now it is possible for petrolheads to find it all online.
However, if anyone was to ask them about their cars and what they love about them, that would be a different story, even on virtual platforms, such as blogs or chatrooms.
Many people in the custom car scene chat for hours about cars and always seem keen to share and exchange knowledge and tips they have picked up during their projects over the years.
Four-wheeled fanatics have a wealth of experience and are often a first port of call when people are in need of advice.
Many amateur car builders want to record the step-by-step construction of their latest project car and show it off at every stage, from the day it was picked up to when they first take to the road.
This can create a full virtual diary and handbook for anyone that gets to read it.
When the cars are finally finished and then displayed at the shows, nobody gets to see all the hard work that has gone to get it there.
However, with the recent emergence of motoring community websites, car fans are now being encouraged to have their own motoring blog [http://www.
com/blogs] as well as post their own pictures and videos.
This allows petrolheads around the world to record and archive the hard work they have put into making their machines stand out from the crowd.
Building or modifying a car is for many an all consuming passion, whether it is working on a vintage Ford or the latest in Japanese imports.
Even though it's a drain on both time and cash, when it's all finished and you know that people are viewing and rating your ride online around the world, it's all worthwhile.
Not only do these sites allow people to post about their cars, it also allows a place for them to chat with fellow enthusiasts.
Some sell aftermarket parts and offer them at great discount prices, and some just wish to trade a few spare parts that they have kicking about in their garages at home.
Whether it's the answer to an awkward problem which has everybody stumped, locating an elusive spare part or just a place to chat and show off a motor, now it is possible for petrolheads to find it all online.