Every year, there are new trends in gardening. Usually, these trends involve new popular flower colors, foliage varieties, or gardening techniques. However, this year, trends seem to be changing. As people re-evaluate values and priorities, there is growing trend toward social consciousness in gardening.
Redefining Luxury
What defines luxury is often that which is scarce. Today for many people the scarcest resource in their life is quality time with their family. Yet, as budgets get tight, many people are opting for stay-cations where they take time off of work, but stay at home, focusing on activities that are inexpensive and fun. One way that people are maximizing their stay-cations are by providing a tranquil garden space to gather and enjoy a peaceful environment. For gardeners and landscapers, that means water features and focusing on unique, rather than simply big and expensive.
Sustainability might seem like the buzzword of the month, but in gardening it has multiple meanings. First of all, there is the issue of resource conservation. As people downgrade the size of their homes and yards, compact size plants and yards are trending. Additionally, people are taking a fresh look at what chemicals are used in plants and how much water they require. If a plant requires more water, pesticides or other chemicals to sustain it, chances are they are out of vogue. Organic, sustainable plants are tasty and environmentally-friendly. A recent study found that one in three respondents were planning to use more mulch for their projects. One in seven were planning to use either drip irrigation or drought-tolerant plants. The same report ranked water conservation as the topic they were most interested in.
Edible plants
Few plants are as practical as ones that are edible. Not only are they gratifying to grow, but they are good to eat. This trend is growing in popularity. The Garden Writers Association Foundation found that more than 41 million U.S. households (38 percent) grew a vegetable garden in 2009. More than 19.5 million grew an herb garden and 16.5 million grew fruits. Of those, more than seven percent were new to edible gardening and there seems to be no end in sight as 37 percent of all households reported plans to increase their edible garden.
For a garden project large or small, it can help to have professional help and advice. Fresh Start Landscapes can help with all of your Houston landscaping needs. Their areas of expertise include custom and manufactured water features, sprinkler systems, stonework, decks and patios, and lighting from Fresh Start Landscapes. Get a free quote, quality service, and competitive prices from Fresh Start Landscapes at (281) 469-9614 or on the web at http://www.freshstartlandscapes.com.
Redefining Luxury
What defines luxury is often that which is scarce. Today for many people the scarcest resource in their life is quality time with their family. Yet, as budgets get tight, many people are opting for stay-cations where they take time off of work, but stay at home, focusing on activities that are inexpensive and fun. One way that people are maximizing their stay-cations are by providing a tranquil garden space to gather and enjoy a peaceful environment. For gardeners and landscapers, that means water features and focusing on unique, rather than simply big and expensive.
Sustainability might seem like the buzzword of the month, but in gardening it has multiple meanings. First of all, there is the issue of resource conservation. As people downgrade the size of their homes and yards, compact size plants and yards are trending. Additionally, people are taking a fresh look at what chemicals are used in plants and how much water they require. If a plant requires more water, pesticides or other chemicals to sustain it, chances are they are out of vogue. Organic, sustainable plants are tasty and environmentally-friendly. A recent study found that one in three respondents were planning to use more mulch for their projects. One in seven were planning to use either drip irrigation or drought-tolerant plants. The same report ranked water conservation as the topic they were most interested in.
Edible plants
Few plants are as practical as ones that are edible. Not only are they gratifying to grow, but they are good to eat. This trend is growing in popularity. The Garden Writers Association Foundation found that more than 41 million U.S. households (38 percent) grew a vegetable garden in 2009. More than 19.5 million grew an herb garden and 16.5 million grew fruits. Of those, more than seven percent were new to edible gardening and there seems to be no end in sight as 37 percent of all households reported plans to increase their edible garden.
For a garden project large or small, it can help to have professional help and advice. Fresh Start Landscapes can help with all of your Houston landscaping needs. Their areas of expertise include custom and manufactured water features, sprinkler systems, stonework, decks and patios, and lighting from Fresh Start Landscapes. Get a free quote, quality service, and competitive prices from Fresh Start Landscapes at (281) 469-9614 or on the web at http://www.freshstartlandscapes.com.