Health & Medical Anti Aging

Acne, Wrinkles, Dry Problem Skin - The Ultimate Secret To Clear, Fresh, Soft, Young, Baby-Like Skin

In the world of thousands of different anti-aging products, it can be confusing with choosing an anti-aging wrinkle cream or supplement.
However, research shows that topically applied anti-aging creams or supplements don't work.
It's never too early (or late) to start protecting your skin for the glorious years to come, but using sunscreen isn't what maintains a youthful look.
With the many synthetic chemicals placed in commercial sunscreens, they can be a hindrance to having healthy, radiant skin.
Even if you exercise regularly, eat mostly organic produce, and perform a fantastic skincare everyday, there is a missing element to what majorly contributesto healthy skin.
It is often overlooked and not discussed enough, in comparison to the advice of wearing sunblock everyday.
What is the missing element? Water! It's not just drinking 8-10 glasses a day that is important.
It's the pH type of water you consume that makes the difference between having smooth, clear, young, and radiant skin-or dull, heavy lined and wrinkled, and acne-infested skin.
Did you know that tap and bottled water were tested to be too acidic for the body? Even if you eat all organic produce, but wash the produce in your tap water, you are negating the healthy effect.
Excess acid in the body contributes to a whole load of problems such as:
  • Premature aging of the skin (Wrinkles)
  • Acne
  • Unexplained skin rashes
  • Psoriasis
  • And many more health and skin related problems
The simple solution is to drink water that is closer to an alkaline pH.
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