Health & Medical Anti Aging

Effective Age Spot Lotions

The expensive age spot lotions on the US market contain an ingredient called hydroquinone.
Some of the most expensive contain alpha-hydroxy acids, too.
The mild acids are relatively safe, although they will cause redness and irritation, while increasing your sensitivity to sunlight.
Hydroquinone, on the other hand, has been banned by countries in the European Union, because of a perceived cancer risk.
Safer alternatives have been developed by European companies, as a result.
It will probably take a while before the US catches up.
Luckily, we have the internet.
So, no matter where we live, the safer alternatives are available to us.
The purpose of hydroquinone is to inhibit melanin production.
Melanin is what the spots are composed of.
The purpose of the alpha-hydroxy acids is to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells, hopefully revealing lighter colored cells underneath.
The safer alternative to hydroquinone that has been found in Europe is an extract from a medicinal plant called cyperus rotundus.
Its common names are numerous.
They include sedge grass, nut grass and many others.
But, no matter what you call them, the extracts are good ingredients for age spot lotions, because they inhibit melanin production by as much as 40%, depending on a person's level of sun exposure.
The sun is what stimulates deep specialized cells to produce melanin.
The purpose of melanin is actually to protect the more sensitive inner layers from damaging UV sunlight.
So, if you use a cream containing nut grass extract, but you still spend a great deal of time in the sun, the lotion won't do much good.
Now, how about those dead skin cells? A better alternative is to stimulate the production of new cells.
If melanin production is inhibited and the sun is avoided, those new cells will be much lighter in color.
So, the most effective age spot lotions contain a protein complex called Functional Keratin.
It has been proven to increase the production of new cells by as much as 160% after only three days of use.
For the fastest results, that's what you want.
There is one drawback.
Creams containing nut grass and Functional Keratin work almost too well for some people.
They effectively lighten the skin.
It's not a bleaching effect.
It is simply undoing what the sun has done over the years.
If you don't want the overall lightening effect of the age spot lotions containing nut grass, you have two choices.
You can try to apply it to just the spots, which doesn't work for most people.
Or, you can try using a moisturizer that contains only Functional Keratin.
The compound has been shown to stimulate the production of antioxidants called superoxide dismutase and glutathione.
Those antioxidants will lighten age-related brown spots.
Now, you have a couple of different safe and effective options to look for.
Don't throw away your money on expensive hydroquinone age spot lotions.
Use your money for something worthwhile, instead.
Visit my site to learn about more safe and natural skin care substances you have probably never heard of.
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