Do collagen pills help your skin? Well put it this way, there is no scientific evidence to back up any claims made by the skin care companies.
So why don't they work and how do you find a solution that does? The problem is that collagen has a very complex molecular structure and just taking a pill will have little effect as the collagen in the pill cannot integrate with the molecules in the body, and that's a fact.
The same applies to skin care containing it but here the molecules cannot penetrate the skin as they are too big, and so just sit on the surface.
The reality is that these are just marketing hype that draws us in and makes these companies more money, just ask a dermatologist if you want a second opinion! The best thing to do is avoid them in the future.
So if collagen pills don't help your skin to look younger, what does? The only way is to use special natural ingredients that encourage your body to produce more collagen itself.
Nothing else can work and this method has proven to be very successful at significantly raising your levels and fading lines and wrinkles for good.
Your body can produce as much as it needs to keep you looking younger in the future while helping to improve your overall health as well.
They also help to moisturize and nourish your skin, protecting it from everyday pollution and dirt and lock in the moisture to give your skin a softer and smoother look and feel.
The ingredients I'm talking about are Cynergy TK, Phytessence wakame and Coenzyme Q10 and are all completely natural yet very powerful in helping to restore your youthful glow.
Cynergy TK comes from the wool of New Zealand sheep and is a type of keratin which is essential for maintaining the skins structure and also helps to regenerate new tissue, increasing your skins thickness and health.
You will soon find that your skin takes on a more youthful appearance and is less susceptible to infections and rashes, and as the collagen levels build the signs of aging gradually fade away.
I hope this helps to answer the question of do collagen pills help your skin and that you now know that they don't! Visit my website today to learn more about the skin care products I personally use that contain Cynergy TK and Phytessence wakame.
So why don't they work and how do you find a solution that does? The problem is that collagen has a very complex molecular structure and just taking a pill will have little effect as the collagen in the pill cannot integrate with the molecules in the body, and that's a fact.
The same applies to skin care containing it but here the molecules cannot penetrate the skin as they are too big, and so just sit on the surface.
The reality is that these are just marketing hype that draws us in and makes these companies more money, just ask a dermatologist if you want a second opinion! The best thing to do is avoid them in the future.
So if collagen pills don't help your skin to look younger, what does? The only way is to use special natural ingredients that encourage your body to produce more collagen itself.
Nothing else can work and this method has proven to be very successful at significantly raising your levels and fading lines and wrinkles for good.
Your body can produce as much as it needs to keep you looking younger in the future while helping to improve your overall health as well.
They also help to moisturize and nourish your skin, protecting it from everyday pollution and dirt and lock in the moisture to give your skin a softer and smoother look and feel.
The ingredients I'm talking about are Cynergy TK, Phytessence wakame and Coenzyme Q10 and are all completely natural yet very powerful in helping to restore your youthful glow.
Cynergy TK comes from the wool of New Zealand sheep and is a type of keratin which is essential for maintaining the skins structure and also helps to regenerate new tissue, increasing your skins thickness and health.
You will soon find that your skin takes on a more youthful appearance and is less susceptible to infections and rashes, and as the collagen levels build the signs of aging gradually fade away.
I hope this helps to answer the question of do collagen pills help your skin and that you now know that they don't! Visit my website today to learn more about the skin care products I personally use that contain Cynergy TK and Phytessence wakame.