Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Balance Family Life With Ulcerative Colitis

Balance Family Life With Ulcerative Colitis

Balance Family Life With Ulcerative Colitis

In this article

Manage Childcare

Talk about your illness with your children. You don't need to go into a lot of details, but even young kids can understand that there will be days when Mommy or Daddy doesn't feel well and won't be able to play with them. On these low-energy days, do quiet activities together: Read books, do puzzles, or play a board game.

Keep a list of friends, extended family, and neighbors you can call on when you need help getting the kids to an activity. These same people could also take your children on play dates to give you some downtime when you're not feeling well.

Make Plans for Your Pets

Let another member of the household be responsible for pet duties. Your partner can take your dog for a walk in the morning, and your children can when they get home from school. Add other jobs to the weekly chores list, including picking up poop from the yard, changing the litter box, or cleaning cages or tanks.

Perhaps a neighbor could step in. A professional pet sitter can also take care of your pet's needs and give them love and attention when you can't.

Help Is a Shared Gift

Your family won't know what you need unless you open up to them. You might feel like you're being a burden when you ask for help, but it's likely you're giving someone a chance to feel good.

When you make your wellness a priority in the short-term, you'll have more time and energy for your family in the long run.
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