Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Why You Need Legal Protection on Your Auto Insurance

When insuring a car it's always good to have comprehensive insurance (if possible), since this covers you in the event of an accident (even if it was deemed to be your fault).
There's a new addition that many smart consumers are now adding to their insurance policies: Legal insurance.
Legal insurance covers you for any costs that are amounted due to legal fees (such as lawyers and solicitors).
Most American auto insurance firms have a legal company that they use for all of their claims, so they'll cover all of this for you (and it also means they usually get a discount), meaning there's no need for you to go out looking for lawyers.
The best part about this is that legal protection is usually just as little as a couple of dollars per month (in addition to your regular policy costs).
This is all aimed at helping you claim back your costs when the accident wasn't caused by you/was your fault.
This can be massive, and can easily recoup you the costs that you'll pay for legal insurance.
Take this, for example: You're involved in an incident with another driver.
You both clearly think that it wasn't your fault, but the opposite driver's.
Your auto insurance company hires a lawyer to fight your cause.
Your opposing driver doesn't have legal protection, so he either has to fork out the money himself, or admit defeat.
Even if he does have legal protection, it'll still mean that you're playing on an even field.
This is also good because most people claim an accident wasn't their fault, even when it clearly was.
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