Have you ever watched someone age right before your eyes? Did you think that was even possible? Well, for the first time, research has proven that stress speeds the aging process.
But you might be surprised to find out how it does it: by harming DNA.
It seems to happen to presidents after a term or two, and maybe you've noticed something similar in your own mirror.
Who better for researchers to use for this study than mothers, but not just any mothers.
Mothers that had the same day in and day out stress with really no relief.
The research team chose mothers with chronically ill children.
Elissa Epel headed the stress study, at the University of California, San Francisco.
"I chose the mothers," Epel told Pelley, "because they tend to be a group that's under chronic stress at a very young age...
But they're young and healthy, so it gives us an opportunity to examine what chronic stress looks like in healthy people.
" The first thing Epel had to do was measure how each mom coped with stress.
Were they the kind who held up or the kind who fell apart? Epel designed a test that pushes their anxiety buttons.
It measured their heart rates, blood pressure and perspiration rates.
Epel explained its premise, namely that, "The unpredictability and ambiguity, not knowing what you're gonna have to do, is stressful.
" Such as solving a difficult math problem in front of a stern professor.
The test showed how stress affected the moms physically.
But Epel also needed to know how it tortured them mentally.
How well did each mom cope while caring for a sick child? To see how they felt about anxiety, Epel had each mother answer a series of questions.
She says a psychologist took "everything we know about stress, and what's stressful, and put it into one questionnaire.
" After one year of study the scientist found that mothers who take it all in stride don't have as much cellular damage therefore don't look as old as those who let it get under their skin.
But don't stress out yet.
There is a way to prevent the damage.
You can do a number of things to de-stress your life.
Many people use self meditation or self hypnosis, prayer, exercise, yoga, socializing, etc to reduce stress in their life.
However, this may not be enough so some have a need to supplement also.
Especially since it is believed that this damaged DNA can cause chronic illnesses or even cancer, it is essential to use every resource that is available to reduce the harmful effects of stress.
Supplementation, if proven and safe, is an excellent way to not only repair the DNA but also a lot more.
Vivix is an anti aging tonic that fights aging on not 1 but on 4 cellular levels.
You may have already guessed, but the first of the four ways is it repairs DNA damage.
By repairing DNA damage it can in fact, help a person to live a longer healthier life.
Let's look ALL 4 of the cellular benefits: 1.
Repair DNA - Protect and repair the DNA 2.
Genetic Regulators - Positively impacts the genetic regulators allowing the active balance between damage and repair of cell.
Cellular Energy Production - Promotes Healthy biogenesis of the mitochondria 4.
Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE Proteins) - The exclusive ingredients are 10 times more powerful than resveratrol alone in slowing the formation of these AGE proteins.
But you might be surprised to find out how it does it: by harming DNA.
It seems to happen to presidents after a term or two, and maybe you've noticed something similar in your own mirror.
Who better for researchers to use for this study than mothers, but not just any mothers.
Mothers that had the same day in and day out stress with really no relief.
The research team chose mothers with chronically ill children.
Elissa Epel headed the stress study, at the University of California, San Francisco.
"I chose the mothers," Epel told Pelley, "because they tend to be a group that's under chronic stress at a very young age...
But they're young and healthy, so it gives us an opportunity to examine what chronic stress looks like in healthy people.
" The first thing Epel had to do was measure how each mom coped with stress.
Were they the kind who held up or the kind who fell apart? Epel designed a test that pushes their anxiety buttons.
It measured their heart rates, blood pressure and perspiration rates.
Epel explained its premise, namely that, "The unpredictability and ambiguity, not knowing what you're gonna have to do, is stressful.
" Such as solving a difficult math problem in front of a stern professor.
The test showed how stress affected the moms physically.
But Epel also needed to know how it tortured them mentally.
How well did each mom cope while caring for a sick child? To see how they felt about anxiety, Epel had each mother answer a series of questions.
She says a psychologist took "everything we know about stress, and what's stressful, and put it into one questionnaire.
" After one year of study the scientist found that mothers who take it all in stride don't have as much cellular damage therefore don't look as old as those who let it get under their skin.
But don't stress out yet.
There is a way to prevent the damage.
You can do a number of things to de-stress your life.
Many people use self meditation or self hypnosis, prayer, exercise, yoga, socializing, etc to reduce stress in their life.
However, this may not be enough so some have a need to supplement also.
Especially since it is believed that this damaged DNA can cause chronic illnesses or even cancer, it is essential to use every resource that is available to reduce the harmful effects of stress.
Supplementation, if proven and safe, is an excellent way to not only repair the DNA but also a lot more.
Vivix is an anti aging tonic that fights aging on not 1 but on 4 cellular levels.
You may have already guessed, but the first of the four ways is it repairs DNA damage.
By repairing DNA damage it can in fact, help a person to live a longer healthier life.
Let's look ALL 4 of the cellular benefits: 1.
Repair DNA - Protect and repair the DNA 2.
Genetic Regulators - Positively impacts the genetic regulators allowing the active balance between damage and repair of cell.
Cellular Energy Production - Promotes Healthy biogenesis of the mitochondria 4.
Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE Proteins) - The exclusive ingredients are 10 times more powerful than resveratrol alone in slowing the formation of these AGE proteins.