Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

ID Badge Holders and Other Super Bowl Party Ideas

If you want to host the best Super Bowl party in town, then you've come to the right place. There is so much excitement surrounding the big game, that you'll want to make sure you have every detail right. In this article you'll find out how you can use ID badge holders and other great favors to make the party fun and make sure everyone has a great time cheering on their favorite team.

First, you need great invitations. You can find online invitation sites to send out electronic invites, or you can design, print, and mail your own. On the invitation, make sure you give the important information such as who is hosting the party, where it will be hosted, when time guests should arrive, and what guests should bring with them. If you've got everything covered, and you don't need them to pitch in with drinks or snacks, let them know that too.

Party favors are great too. Beaded lanyards for badges can serve as ticket holders for admission to the party. You can decorate ID cards with each guest's name and select lanyards in coordinating team colors. Decorate the nametags to look like tickets to a real football game.

Drinks come next. You can't have a great party without great beverages. Make sure you have plenty of water, juice and sodas on hand for the children attending your party. For the adults, search the web for great cocktail ideas and stock the fridge with plenty of beer - a Super Bowl party staple. Drinks can get pretty expensive, so if you want everyone to pitch in, make sure you tell them bring their favorite beverages with them on your invitations.

No Super Bowl party is complete without lots and lots of fun food. There are tons of recipes you can make. Some favorite fun snacks include pizza, pigs in a blanket, chips and salsa, cheese cubes and other yummy appetizers. You can make a cheese dip molded into the shape of a football. Wraps, pitas, and other finger foods are always big winners. Don't forget to stock up on paper cups, plates, napkins and condiments like ketchup, mustard and barbecue sauce.

The most important thing you can do to create a successful party is be prepared! Make sure you purchase everything you need ahead of time so you don't find yourself in a crisis during the middle of the big game. You won't want to run out to the store because even the commercials and half-time show will be worth watching. Set a table out for all of the food and let your guests help themselves. The last thing you want to do is be stuck in the kitchen missing all of the big plays.

It's never too early to plan for the big event, so dig up your favorite recipes, order your ID badge holders, and make up a guest list your next year's Super Bowl party. With these helpful tips, you'll be the game's MVH - most valuable host.

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