- Take one dropperful of echinacea tincture in 1/2 cup of warm water up to four times a day for two weeks. Echinacea, which boosts the immune system, may lose its effectiveness after two weeks. If your yeast infection has not cleared up in that time, contact your health care provider.
- Drink this herbal mixture as a tea. Mix together 2 teaspoons of sage, 2 teaspoons of mullein, 2 teaspoons of raspberry leaf and 1/4 teaspoon of goldenseal root. Mix the herbs with one pint of water and bring to a boil. Cover the pot and remove from heat. Let steep for 15 minutes. Strain the tea before drinking. Take it between meals or 30 minutes before eating. You can mix this tea with an equal part of cranberry juice to improve its flavor.
- Use this douche every other day. If your yeast infection is severe, use every day for a week. Mix together the following: 1/2 ounce dry anti-yeast herb mix (follow recipe above), 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon plain yogurt and 1 small drop tea tree oil. Mix anti-yeast herb mix with one quart of water, boil, remove from heat and steep for an hour. Strain before adding other ingredients, place warm mixture in a douche bag and using a steady, easy pressure, use the mixture as a douche. This mix should help to clear up the infection quickly.
Anti-Yeast Herb Mix
Herbal Douche