If you are someone who is constantly fascinated by the beautiful glass facades of modern buildings that are now a common sight even in India, then you must also wonder how these are possible. How is all that glass held together so seamlessly? Won't it come crashing down due to its own weight given the fact that nothing visible is holding it in place? Welcome to the newest age in building technology where state of the art glass fittings which are also available in India make all this possible! Glass which is one of the most versatile (not to mention elegant and beautiful) building materials available can be put to its full use thanks to these new age hardware components which are not only strong and functional but also aesthetically appealing!
Patch fittings are available which make multifaceted facades where the glass is seamlessly put together.All glass entrance systems are also made possible with components (like hinges and drives) that are almost invisible, thus giving the effect of complete transparency without any breaks. Even completely circular glass doors which are fully automated are possible thanks to these new age hardware components! Fittings that compliment the elegance of glass like buffed stainless steel finishes are also available. Apart from the aesthetic advantages that these components can give you, you can also benefit from their smooth and trouble free functionality, which will ensure operationof your all glass door and window systems, a pleasure!
Glass is not always necessarily a brittle and delicate material that can break easily. Given the latest technology used in the manufacturing of this material, it can be used in lieu of bricks or concrete blocks in buildings too. Complete walls of glass (called as glazing facades) are now possible to give you an uninterrupted view of the surroundings. Entire multi-storied buildings are clad in it to give them gleaming and maintenance free. The big advantage of using all glass systems is the fact that they do not need maintenance in terms of paint or varnish or patch work. All you need to do is give these a good cleaning on a regular basis and they will remain fresh and new looking for life! Also given the fact that the hardware to support almost any application of glass is easily available, the only limit on possibilities should be your own imagination!
Almost every internationally acclaimed brand of glass fittings is now available in India too and you will be spoilt for choices when it comes to putting your glass systems together. The wise course of action to take is not to compromise on the hardware you choose. Study all the available options and choose components that are strong, durable, of good quality and most importantly, compatible for your glass systems! Because of the wide range of choices available in the market, it might be easy to get confused, so take expert help from builders and architects who have used these components before. The internet is a great source of information, so make the best of it and make a choice that is aesthetic and functional too!
Patch fittings are available which make multifaceted facades where the glass is seamlessly put together.All glass entrance systems are also made possible with components (like hinges and drives) that are almost invisible, thus giving the effect of complete transparency without any breaks. Even completely circular glass doors which are fully automated are possible thanks to these new age hardware components! Fittings that compliment the elegance of glass like buffed stainless steel finishes are also available. Apart from the aesthetic advantages that these components can give you, you can also benefit from their smooth and trouble free functionality, which will ensure operationof your all glass door and window systems, a pleasure!
Glass is not always necessarily a brittle and delicate material that can break easily. Given the latest technology used in the manufacturing of this material, it can be used in lieu of bricks or concrete blocks in buildings too. Complete walls of glass (called as glazing facades) are now possible to give you an uninterrupted view of the surroundings. Entire multi-storied buildings are clad in it to give them gleaming and maintenance free. The big advantage of using all glass systems is the fact that they do not need maintenance in terms of paint or varnish or patch work. All you need to do is give these a good cleaning on a regular basis and they will remain fresh and new looking for life! Also given the fact that the hardware to support almost any application of glass is easily available, the only limit on possibilities should be your own imagination!
Almost every internationally acclaimed brand of glass fittings is now available in India too and you will be spoilt for choices when it comes to putting your glass systems together. The wise course of action to take is not to compromise on the hardware you choose. Study all the available options and choose components that are strong, durable, of good quality and most importantly, compatible for your glass systems! Because of the wide range of choices available in the market, it might be easy to get confused, so take expert help from builders and architects who have used these components before. The internet is a great source of information, so make the best of it and make a choice that is aesthetic and functional too!