- 1). Title the document "Contract for Deed" or "Land Contract." Write the date.
- 2). Divide the contract into major sections. Land contracts must address the following information: the parties involved, the legal description of the land, the terms of the financing (including interest and the down payment), whether any liens or encumbrances exist on the property, the type of deed to be given when the purchase price is paid in full and the buyer's and seller's rights and obligations.
- 3). Create subsections to address individual issues within the major sections. For example, in the "Seller's Obligations" section, you could include subsections such as "Duty to Record" and "Repairs and Maintenance."
- 4). Write out the specific terms of the agreement under the appropriate section or subsection. Use plain language; avoid legalese and archaic language where simple, easy-to-understand words will work.
For example, in the "Duty to Record" subsection, you could write "Seller agrees to record a copy of this contract in the land records office at [address] within five days of signing this agreement." - 5). Include space for the parties to sign and date the agreement. Review the agreement and revise before providing the parties final copies.