Many people arent familiar with the multiple levels that go into web development, but web designers in Irvine, California certainly These men and women labor tirelessly on projects to solidify that Irvine keeps its good name in Orange County as the premiere business community in web design. In order to make sure the product coming out of Irvine is the best in the industry, web designers must follow the steps of web architecture. Just what is website architecture? Lets find out.
Website architecture is a system to the creation and developing of websites which, like architecture itself features functional, aesthetic and technical criteria. As in traditional architecture, the focus is properly on the user and on user guidelines. This requiresdetailed attention to web content, a business plan, usability, interaction design, information architecture and web design. For effective search engine optimization it is necessary to display an appreciation of how one website relates to the World Wide Web.
Since web content planning, design and management are within the scope of design methods, the standard Vitruvian aims of commodity, firmness and delight can guide the architecture of websites, as they do physical architecture and other design disciplines. Website architecture is coming within the scope of Aesthetics and Critical Theory and this trend may accelerate with the development of the Semantic Web and Web 2.0. Both ideas stress the structural parameters of information. Structuralism is an approach to learning which has influenced many academic disciplines that include aesthetics, critical theory and postmodernism. Web 2.0, because it features user-generated content, directs the website architect's focus to the structural areas of information.
"Website architecture" has the potential to be a term used for the intellectual discipline of arranging website content. "Web design", however, highlights the practical tasks, part-graphic and part-technical, of developing and publishing a website. The distinction compares to that of the task of editing a magazine or newspaper and its graphic design and printing. However the link between editorial and production activities is much closer for web publications than for print publications.
Website architecture is a system to the creation and developing of websites which, like architecture itself features functional, aesthetic and technical criteria. As in traditional architecture, the focus is properly on the user and on user guidelines. This requiresdetailed attention to web content, a business plan, usability, interaction design, information architecture and web design. For effective search engine optimization it is necessary to display an appreciation of how one website relates to the World Wide Web.
Since web content planning, design and management are within the scope of design methods, the standard Vitruvian aims of commodity, firmness and delight can guide the architecture of websites, as they do physical architecture and other design disciplines. Website architecture is coming within the scope of Aesthetics and Critical Theory and this trend may accelerate with the development of the Semantic Web and Web 2.0. Both ideas stress the structural parameters of information. Structuralism is an approach to learning which has influenced many academic disciplines that include aesthetics, critical theory and postmodernism. Web 2.0, because it features user-generated content, directs the website architect's focus to the structural areas of information.
"Website architecture" has the potential to be a term used for the intellectual discipline of arranging website content. "Web design", however, highlights the practical tasks, part-graphic and part-technical, of developing and publishing a website. The distinction compares to that of the task of editing a magazine or newspaper and its graphic design and printing. However the link between editorial and production activities is much closer for web publications than for print publications.