Health & Medical Anti Aging

Facelifts Help Aging Baby Boomers "Reinvent Themselves

Every seven minutes in the U.
, a Baby Boomer is turning age 50.
Boomer women are the healthiest, wealthiest and most active in history.
And it's no longer enough to be young at heart; Boomer women want their faces and figures to follow suit.
Many women in their 50s and 60s say they're "reinventing themselves.
" Women who have Botox or hyaluronic acid facial injections in their 40s may find they're ready for a face lift when their skin becomes more lax in their 50s.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 65% of patients who had a face lift in 2006 were age 55 or older.
Case in point: Margaret Several years ago, when Margaret, a vivacious 59-year-old, found herself divorced after a 22-year marriage, she lost 30 pounds, whitened her teeth and dyed her hair.
Then Margaret took a look at her face and decided to make a few improvements.
"I started with facial fillers --Restylane and now Juvéderm --to smooth out those deep crevices from my nostrils to the corners of my mouth and the 'marionette lines' from my mouth to my chin," she explains.
"I've also had Botox to relax the deep frown line between my eyebrows, my crow's feet and the lines on my forehead," says Margaret.
Fillers will go only so far As she nears her 60th birthday, Margaret realizes she may need more than injectable fillers to maintain her youthful look.
"A few months ago, I noticed my cheeks were starting to drop from the eye socket area," she admits.
"It was really bugging me.
And even worse, I am developing my mother's turkey neck.
" Full face lift or mini-face lift? Margaret scheduled a plastic surgery consultation to see whether a face lift -- or perhaps a mini-face lift -- was right for her.
A mini-face lift an outpatient surgical procedure that rejuvenates the bottom third of the face as well as the jowls and neck.
This procedure is designed to treat mild to moderate drooping of the skin in the cheeks, jawline and neck.
A full face lift frees more of the facial skin from its underlying tissues and lifts it to a greater degree than in a mini-face lift.
There are several factors that determine whether a mini-face lift or a full face lift is advisable for a particular patient.
A lot depends on the degree of sagging, loose skin and jowling, the depth of the wrinkles and nasolabial folds [from the nose to the corners of the mouth] and crow's feet.
In Margaret's case, the biggest factor is the degree of sagging in the neck region and around her cheeks.
These might be better served by making the longer, more extensive incision of a full face lift.
A full face lift, or rhytidectomy, rejuvenates the face by tightening the underlying muscles and redraping the skin of the face and neck.
Avoiding the 'over-operated' look Margaret has realistic expectations for her surgery.
"I'm not trying to look 25," she says.
"I realize I will still age normally.
If my face looks 5-10 years younger for the next 5-10 years, I'll be satisfied.
" Most importantly, Margaret is having a face lift because she wants it -- not to please anyone else.
"I am doing this for me," she says.
Read more of Margaret's thoughts, see photos and join the online forum at parungao For more information on mini-face lifts, visit www.
com/mini-face lift
For details on full face lifts, visit www.
com/face lift
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