Code coloring - Color code everything. If you need to organize your computer disks, color code them by the project or by the class they are for. Make labels with the color and name and place them on the disk, whether its a CD or zip or floppy. This helps to remember where things are and saves time looking through every disk.
Highlighters - When reading books, read with several highlighters close by. That way when one 'disappears' you can continue. Almost every book you own should be 'highlighted' to some degree.
Colored paper - If you only have a mild form of dyslexia, but enough to make life difficult. Using colored sheets of paper really helps some to read.
Red and blue - If you have major left right issues and you are ambidextrous which just makes life all the more confusing wear a Red sock on your right foot and a blue one on your left. When a direction is addressed this way it will be easier for you to know which is left and which is right.
Colored pens - When you study, use different colored pens to focus your attention to important points that you need to know.
Use a colored report cover -Use them over pages in a book. You can use blue and therefore the words are black and the background is blue. It can be very helpful when you read. If you are experiencing a glare from words printed on a white page, or seeing the words go fuzzy without your blue transparent plastic cover, you may have Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (Irlen Syndrome) and could benefit from tinted lenses.
Comprehensive Tests
Comprehensive tests for Dyslexia look at the whole person and examine the root cause of any learning difficulties. The word 'comprehensive' means 'thorough', and these tests examine which brain functions are interfering with a person's acquisition of normal learning. Tests of reading, spelling, comprehension, and intelligence are given, as well as visual tests, visual scanning tests, sequencing, reversals and other tests of such a nature.
A comprehensive dyslexia test may be administered in two ways, either by a psychologist or at a distance. It is not yet known which method is most effective to use in order to determine the best test available, as such a thing will vary from person to person and really depends on the case.
Psychologists operate either through schools and colleges or privately in a consulting room. Some colleges have psychologists available if you are a student at that particular university and said resources may be available to you. If you know of a psychologist at your university, try contacting him or her and find out as much as you can about getting assessed. For those no longer in college, many well qualified psychologists exist more than likely, right in your home time.
Assessment by a psychologist - if one is available - seems to be the method that works for the majority of people, although like with anything there are a fair number of people who are dissatisfied with the process. More than one has reported that the psychologist denied that dyslexia existed. Again, finding the right one for you takes a little time and research.
Some people seek a private assessment by a psychologist.
Although expensive, this is more straightforward. A lot of people report having paid a thousand dollars and upwards for a private assessment, but the costs seem to vary from one country to another, as well as from state to state. The assessment takes a few hours, and you should expect to receive a detailed report. Although assessments are thorough, few psychologists provide detailed recommendations for improving a person's learning techniques.
Highlighters - When reading books, read with several highlighters close by. That way when one 'disappears' you can continue. Almost every book you own should be 'highlighted' to some degree.
Colored paper - If you only have a mild form of dyslexia, but enough to make life difficult. Using colored sheets of paper really helps some to read.
Red and blue - If you have major left right issues and you are ambidextrous which just makes life all the more confusing wear a Red sock on your right foot and a blue one on your left. When a direction is addressed this way it will be easier for you to know which is left and which is right.
Colored pens - When you study, use different colored pens to focus your attention to important points that you need to know.
Use a colored report cover -Use them over pages in a book. You can use blue and therefore the words are black and the background is blue. It can be very helpful when you read. If you are experiencing a glare from words printed on a white page, or seeing the words go fuzzy without your blue transparent plastic cover, you may have Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (Irlen Syndrome) and could benefit from tinted lenses.
Comprehensive Tests
Comprehensive tests for Dyslexia look at the whole person and examine the root cause of any learning difficulties. The word 'comprehensive' means 'thorough', and these tests examine which brain functions are interfering with a person's acquisition of normal learning. Tests of reading, spelling, comprehension, and intelligence are given, as well as visual tests, visual scanning tests, sequencing, reversals and other tests of such a nature.
A comprehensive dyslexia test may be administered in two ways, either by a psychologist or at a distance. It is not yet known which method is most effective to use in order to determine the best test available, as such a thing will vary from person to person and really depends on the case.
Psychologists operate either through schools and colleges or privately in a consulting room. Some colleges have psychologists available if you are a student at that particular university and said resources may be available to you. If you know of a psychologist at your university, try contacting him or her and find out as much as you can about getting assessed. For those no longer in college, many well qualified psychologists exist more than likely, right in your home time.
Assessment by a psychologist - if one is available - seems to be the method that works for the majority of people, although like with anything there are a fair number of people who are dissatisfied with the process. More than one has reported that the psychologist denied that dyslexia existed. Again, finding the right one for you takes a little time and research.
Some people seek a private assessment by a psychologist.
Although expensive, this is more straightforward. A lot of people report having paid a thousand dollars and upwards for a private assessment, but the costs seem to vary from one country to another, as well as from state to state. The assessment takes a few hours, and you should expect to receive a detailed report. Although assessments are thorough, few psychologists provide detailed recommendations for improving a person's learning techniques.