Business & Finance Outsourcing

Should my next IT hire be a contractor or permanent worker? Five things to consider


The IT department of any business - large or small - is one of the most important cogs in the infrastructure. IT drives business in the 21st century, whether a cross-country network of PCs or a single workstation. Stocktaking, ordering and chronicling data all needs a solid IT system working behind the scenes to ensure that your business can continue to grow. Hiring someone to provide IT support or tailor made IT solutions is, therefore, one of the most vital decisions you can make. But should you hire a permanent staff member or rely on an IT contractor [] to carry out your work? Here are five points to consider before deciding:


1. It's often cheaper and more cost-effective to go contract

If  your company is changing part of its IT infrastructure then hiring a member of staff on a permanent basis simply does not make sense: once the system has been upgraded, you are left with an employee drawing a wage and doing very little (or no) work for it. The most cost-efficient solution is to employ a skilled contractor on a short-term basis, until they complete the terms of their contract.


2. Contracted need not mean less continuity

One of the most prevalent misguided fears is that because a contractor is not a permanent member of staff, there is less continuity than if you had a full-time, salaried employee handling your IT operations. By relying on quality agencies to choose the right contractor, you can build up a relationship with one or a small group of devoted contractors who can handle all your IT problems.


3. Increased flexibility...

Permanent workers are often fixed to a rigid working week. They come in at 9am and leave at 5pm, and require legally-defined paid holidays every year. By employing skilled contractors you can forego the inflexibility of the 9-to-5 world and rely on at any time, any place response to your IT needs.


4....and better skills to boot

Because of the diverse range of companies that IT contractors have provided computing solutions for, the average contractor has more experience and better skills than permanent workers. Where a permanent IT staff member can stagnate and rest on his laurels, an IT contractor by necessity needs to be up-to-date with the latest technologies and provide a better service simply to compete.


5. Less time devoted to HR management

With a full-time employee it is up to your business to provide the human resources support needed for an IT employee working in your company. Top IT recruitment agencies control human resource, administrative and performance management for their employed contractors so that you can concentrate more on growing your business.


Is my business ready?

If you are looking for an IT solution that does not involve hiring an expensive permanent member of staff, while still retaining a top-quality level of service, then you should hire a contractor. Carefully consider the level and amount of work needed, and determine whether it is more economical to take on a full-time member of staff or a skilled contractor from the IT specialist sector.
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