- 1). Pry the remote at its parting line to separate the two halves with the butter knife. Be careful not to apply too much pressure. Pry around the edges until it separates. Remove the battery with a fingernail taking care not to bend anything. It is very delicate.
- 2). Place the two halves together without snapping them together to keep it moisture- and dust-free or place them in a plastic baggie that seals until needed. Read the number on the top of the battery and replace it with the same battery.
- 3). Remove the battery from the package without touching the top or bottom of the battery. Grip it by the sides. Install it with the positive side up. Align the two halves of the remote and press them together.
- 1). Remove the ashtray and the two Phillips screws behind it. Remove the two screws in the upper part of the dash gauge module. You'll find these installed straight up in the dash in front of the steering wheel.
- 2). Tilt the steering wheel down. Squeeze the sides of the gauge module and pull it straight out. Disconnect the electrical connections from the back of the gauge. Lay the gauge module on the seat.
- 3). Look at the right side of the opening and you will see a small square box with a piece of tape over it with the words "Off" and "Set" on the tape. This is the security module. Remove the tape on the security module.
- 4). Insert the small screwdriver in the slot previously covered by the tape and move the switch from "Off" to "Set." Wait five seconds and depress and hold the unlock button on the remote. In a few seconds, the red light will blink on the remote. Continue to hold the button until you hear the door locks operate. Release the remote button.
- 5). Push the switch on the security module back to the "Off" position. Replace the gauge module in the reverse order of removal.
Replace the Battery
Recode the Remote