Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Skip Medications - ADHD Alternative Treatment Is An Option

With complementary alternative medicine becoming an increasingly acceptable option for the treatment of various conditions, it should come as no surprise that it is also being used in the management of ADHD.
ADHD alternative treatment typically involves a combination of behavior management techniques, dietary changes, and native remedies.
Recognizing the symptoms of ADHD helps people understand why certain treatments are chosen over others.
Identifying ADHD ADHD presents in more than one fashion: 1.
Combined ADHD presents with all of the common symptoms associated with the condition.
Inattentive ADHD, formerly called ADD, displays compromised attention and concentration.
This makes it difficult for the child to absorb directions, stay on task, complete work, and leads to constant distractibility.
Hyperactive ADHD lacks the inattentiveness often associated with the condition but displays a great deal of hyperactivity.
These children have a great deal of difficulty staying still, they squirm in their seats, need to get up and move around constantly, sometimes they talk constantly and seem restless.
These nuances can play a role in determining appropriate treatment.
Supplements and Native Remedies used in ADHD Alternative Treatment Panax ginseng, St.
John's Wort, ginko biloba, melatonin, and pine bark extract have all been used as remedies for this disorder with varying degrees of success based upon the individual and severity of the condition.
Also, there are some homeopathic remedies which provide relief from the symptoms of ADHD.
Of course, supplements, just like any other medication, can result in unwanted side effects.
If you choose to go this route for your little one rather than a pharmaceutical route, make sure you inform his doctor and keep tabs on any reactions he may have.
Elimination Diets There seem to be a number of foods that contribute or exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD.
Chocolate, caffeine, artificial colors and preservatives, wheat, eggs, and milk have all been cited as possible concerns for people with ADHD.
Eliminating such foods from your child's diet may help reduce or even eliminate some of the symptoms and are still considered in the realm of ADHD alternative treatment.
It is important to note that if you choose an elimination diet for a child, you should be particularly careful not to leave them with a nutritionally deficient diet.
A multivitamin taken daily will help, but consulting with a nutritionist is a good step as well.
Other Approaches There are a number of other treatment approaches that include behavioral plans, musical and biofeedback, metronome therapy, and other neuro-feedback techniques.
All of these are worth considering and trying either independently or in concert with other treatments.
It is often the case that one type of ADHD alternative treatment will only provide a partial alleviation of symptoms, but a multipronged approach may do more.
Of course, it is essential to keep a journal of each treatment and all changes in behavior which are noted over time.
Expect it to take days, or even weeks, before you see the full extent of any changes that natural options provide, unlike drugs, which can begin to work in hours.
Something to Keep In Mind Even with drug therapy the goal is not to turn your child into an angel.
The changes may take longer to present with ADHD alternative treatments and your goal is to reach a point where the disorder is no longer making "normal" life too challenging.
For example, if your child can now make it through a school day without constant movement, or is able to stay on task 75% of the time, that may be enough.
Set realistic goals, and check in with teachers or others involved in your child's life regularly to evaluate the improvements.
If something doesn't work the way you hoped, you can always try something else, and that is one of the greatest benefits of ADHD alternative treatment paths.
If you like to learn more about natural ways to approach ADHD visit now, ADHD info.
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