Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Learn the Tao of Badass

Has anyone ever talked about 'sexual triggers' to you? Without question, you'll be really surprised that you haven't heard of these before. That's likely because it removes a lot of the mystique and 'magic' out of approaching hot girls. Or maybe it is because those that are already using sexual triggers don't want anyone else to find out.

When you do find out what these are you'll be very surprised at just how simple and easy they are to apply. Think of it like this, imagine for a moment you weren't aware that most cats and dogs respond really well to being stroked. Then somebody comes along and shows you how to apply a stroke. You would very likely be surprised at the dog or cat's receptiveness to this new 'technique'. And it's not exactly demanding too much on our time to learn how to stroke a cat or a dog!

The majority of guys think that attracting hot girls is merely down to confidence but let's face it, we've all seen over confident guys getting rejected by girls at a bar or in a club. I'm guessing you have. If it was simply down to confidence or money then a lot of 'average joe' guys wouldn't be able to compete. But it's not that simple. Even before a guy starts a conversation with a girl he's already giving off a lot of non-verbal or unconscious communication. For example, his posture, walk up, alignment, physiology etc.

Unknown to most guys, girls actually have an unique way of 'filtering' out the good guys from the bad in a social environment. The funny thing is, most women are not even aware they're doing it either! So when a guy knows how to correctly apply his physiology and press the girl's unconscious triggers BEFORE he starts speaking to her, he's already in a very powerful position. After you've started the conversation it's then possible to apply more sexual triggers that will supercharge your chances of taking things to the next level. The good news is this guy could easiliy be you.

Joshua Pellicer was so dismayed at being subjugated by his girlfriend he eventually split from her and vowed never to get into the same situation again. So he decided to educate himself on all the techniques and knowleged that would allow him to attract good looking girls and stay totally in control. This would take him through psychology, body language skills, NLP and a host of other areas all aimed at discovering the best and most successful techniques for picking up girls.

Within a short time of putting his findings into practice he found he was having remarkable success. All the more remarkable because Joshua was then - and still is - a very ordinary, skinny guy. His results demonstrate that under the surface of any typical pick up scenario there are many unconscious factors at play. After collating the techniques he's now able to show you the way or 'tao' (pronounced 'dao') he applies his skills and how you can apply them in your own life. The knowledge and techniques are so powerful that you will probably feel like you're cheating.

To study more, watch this video of the Tao of Badass.

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