Here's a quick gout relief tip on how to get rid of gout quick and naturally. And you probably have the magic ingredient sitting in a kitchen cupboard right now. To get a better idea of how this simple tip to get rid of gout quick works, it's worth looking at the cause of gout.
Gout is caused by the accumulation of crystals of uric acid in and around your joints. It is how your body reacts to these that causes the excruciating pain of gout.
These crystals usually form as a result of too high uric acid in the bloodstream. And these high levels arise when the kidneys can't excrete enough uric acid quickly enough.
In searching for how to get rid of gout quickly I came across this very effective natural remedy; baking soda! Yes, baking soda. I used it, and it worked for me. Baking soda has many benefits to help in your quest for quick gout relief...
1 - Helps to dissolve urate crystals to help relieve pain
2 - Aids in the solubility of uric acid so helps to excrete the acid more easily.
3 - Boosts blood pH to help neutralize uric acid and help prevent uric acid stone build-up in the kidneys.
4 - Helps the power of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
To take, you should add 1/2 teaspoon to an 8oz glass of water and mix very well. Drink one glass first thing in the morning. Then another glass last thing in the evening just before going to bed. Take another glass every 2 to 4 hours between these times, between meals.
You should not take any more than 4 teaspoons of baking soda a day. In other words, you should not exceed 8 glasses a day. Repeat on a daily basis until the symptoms subside.
And, since baking soda is high in sodium, you will need to change to a low-sodium (i.e. low salt) diet. Better still, cut-out salt altogether whilst using the baking soda remedy.
Now, whilst this remedy can be effective in getting rid of gout quickly, you still need to ensure you prevent your gout returning: Frequent gout attacks can eventually lead to permanently damaged joints and damaged kidneys. Plus, once having suffered a gout attack, you are very likely to suffer more attacks.
In order to prevent recurring gout you need to reduce your high uric acid levels, and importantly, keep them reduced.
Drugs such as allopurinol reduce your uric acid levels, but you may have to take them everyday for years to come. This is because they only work to reduce your levels while you take them. Come off them and there's nothing to stop your levels rising and producing more gout attacks.
There is a drug-free alternative that uses the natural uric acid reducing properties of things like herbs, fruits, vegetables, etc. And this, combined with perhaps the most important of all -- your diet -- can help to maintain lower, healthier uric acid levels. You need to go on a low uric acid diet, which means avoiding much of the food you would normally eat in a typical Western diet.
You're in luck though. There's a special gout report available online that has all the info. you need in one place. It is what thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout returning. It also contains a special 2 hour gout pain relief program.
And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit two ways: (1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and, (2) you prevent your gout returning, so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.
If you want to get gout pain relief in 2 hours plus prevent your gout returning in the future, then go to and discover how you can quickly do both without expensive drugs with their horrible side effects.
Gout is caused by the accumulation of crystals of uric acid in and around your joints. It is how your body reacts to these that causes the excruciating pain of gout.
These crystals usually form as a result of too high uric acid in the bloodstream. And these high levels arise when the kidneys can't excrete enough uric acid quickly enough.
In searching for how to get rid of gout quickly I came across this very effective natural remedy; baking soda! Yes, baking soda. I used it, and it worked for me. Baking soda has many benefits to help in your quest for quick gout relief...
1 - Helps to dissolve urate crystals to help relieve pain
2 - Aids in the solubility of uric acid so helps to excrete the acid more easily.
3 - Boosts blood pH to help neutralize uric acid and help prevent uric acid stone build-up in the kidneys.
4 - Helps the power of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
To take, you should add 1/2 teaspoon to an 8oz glass of water and mix very well. Drink one glass first thing in the morning. Then another glass last thing in the evening just before going to bed. Take another glass every 2 to 4 hours between these times, between meals.
You should not take any more than 4 teaspoons of baking soda a day. In other words, you should not exceed 8 glasses a day. Repeat on a daily basis until the symptoms subside.
And, since baking soda is high in sodium, you will need to change to a low-sodium (i.e. low salt) diet. Better still, cut-out salt altogether whilst using the baking soda remedy.
Now, whilst this remedy can be effective in getting rid of gout quickly, you still need to ensure you prevent your gout returning: Frequent gout attacks can eventually lead to permanently damaged joints and damaged kidneys. Plus, once having suffered a gout attack, you are very likely to suffer more attacks.
In order to prevent recurring gout you need to reduce your high uric acid levels, and importantly, keep them reduced.
Drugs such as allopurinol reduce your uric acid levels, but you may have to take them everyday for years to come. This is because they only work to reduce your levels while you take them. Come off them and there's nothing to stop your levels rising and producing more gout attacks.
There is a drug-free alternative that uses the natural uric acid reducing properties of things like herbs, fruits, vegetables, etc. And this, combined with perhaps the most important of all -- your diet -- can help to maintain lower, healthier uric acid levels. You need to go on a low uric acid diet, which means avoiding much of the food you would normally eat in a typical Western diet.
You're in luck though. There's a special gout report available online that has all the info. you need in one place. It is what thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout returning. It also contains a special 2 hour gout pain relief program.
And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit two ways: (1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and, (2) you prevent your gout returning, so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.
If you want to get gout pain relief in 2 hours plus prevent your gout returning in the future, then go to and discover how you can quickly do both without expensive drugs with their horrible side effects.