Law & Legal & Attorney Military

Lt. General Peter Chiarelli"s View of Iraq

As I listened to the live interview this morning, (December 8, 2006), with the commander of the Multinational Force in Iraq, I was impressed with the progress made and the plans for 2007.
Several points that the General stressed made very good common sense.
* Provincial elections within the year.
General Chiarelli felt that this was very critical within the next year, to start provincial elections in the Sunni and Shiite neighborhoods.
It was interesting that when the general talked with the Iraq's in the Baghdad neighborhoods that often the Iraq people could not tell what their neighbors were, Kurd, Sunni, or Shiite.
They think of them selves as Iraq.
It appears to me that Baghdad is a melting pot like the United States.
It is only when you get out into the outlying provinces that you have a stronger distinction between ethnic groups.
* Provide jobs for the young men.
Whenever the general would ask the tribal leaders what, he could do to help, the overwhelming response was to provide more jobs for the young men.
To take away the fuel for the insurgents.
By getting these young angry men off the streets and reduce the available manpower for al-Qaida type influence.
The 18.
4 billion that was provided for rebuilding the info-structure in Iraq is running out.
Give the people hope by seeing improvements being made, most of the major projects are nearing completion.
* Convince the Iraq people that the current government is the government of national unity in Iraq.
* Transition teams of small groups 10 to 12 US solders each embedded in the Iraq forces.
Hundreds of these small teams of trainers are working with the Iraq National Police and Army units to reduce the need for US troops.
In the coming years and many more of these teams will be spreading out into the outlying areas during 2007.
* 2007 a critical year for Iraq.
The economic and political situation is critical and job training is just as important as the military training for the Iraq people.
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