Business & Finance Economics

Facts on America"s Economy

It's no secret that the United States is enduring an economic downturn.
It's all over the media every time you turn on the TV.
I believe there there isn't a recession and that the United States is in a state of growth.
Believe or not, it's true.
Whenever there's a economic downturn, it always sprouts back up even stronger and a lot more wealth is created turning this time.
The media has a lot people thinking in fear and scarcity.
Which is not good, the media's job is to give out bad news, when have you ever heard something good happen on the news? It's rare if you do and it gets a 10 second time slot.
For entrepreneurs like you and me, we must think in a state of optimism and abundance, because the future is very bright, believe it or not.
So here are the facts on America's economy.
I may have been preaching early on how good things are but the information is bad news to the normal eye.
But to the problem solver, what we call entrepreneurs these days, I see opportunities and markets for new products.
1- More women will file bankruptcy than graduate college this year in the US.
2- The number 1 resolution this year was to get out of debt - overtaking weight loss for the first time in history.
3- Last year - there were 80 million unpaid credit cards in the US alone with an average balance of $8000.
4- Today, two income families have less discretionary income than single income families just a generation ago - now approaching 90 percent.
5- The average American family brings home less than $36,000 a year.
6- 79 million Americans plan to start their own business in the next 3-5 years according to Forbes Magazine.
7- Both Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki recommend Network Marketing Now based on those facts how many potential products or services could you come up with to serve this market.
The possibilities are endless!
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