Bad eyesight is simply caused by a strain in the muscles governing the eye.
Have you ever tried 'trying' to see? Have you noticed that when you try to see, the worse it looks? That is because the eye is STRAINING.
Eye Strain is the cause of bad eyesight.
Any eye doctor will tell you that.
A normal eye never strains, it never stares, it always shift before a strain is produced.
Trying to stare always produces strain, and straining produces bad eyesight.
So if the cause of bad eyesight is simply STRAIN, then won't the cure be simply to RELIEVE the strain? This fact is so profound that it has been ignored for centuries.
If the other muscles of the body have been cured by relieving the strain, then won't it be the same for the eyes? If the eye is straining when it has bad eyesight, and if the eye is relaxed when there is normal vision, then the simple cure would be to relax the eyes.
And here are a few techniques to relax the eyes.
PALMING So far palming is the most effective way to improve your eyesight naturally.
One can do this by putting both his hands in front of his eyes, the palm heels rest at the cheekbones and the fingers cross at the forehead.
It will form something like an X and cover the eyes entirely, so if done right, you won't see anything except for a small light source at the nose bridge.
Sit properly, rest your elbows on the table(or put a few pillows on the table so your elbows doesn't begin to hurt and to make sure your back is aligned properly) and make sure you are relaxed.
Sit properly, rest your elbows on the table, cross the palms (hence the name palming) covering the eyes, then do this for at least a few minutes at first.
Think of something repetitive like being in a canoe down the stream.
Seeing the rocks, the shore, the sun, etc.
Make sure not to deviate from the singular train of thought so that the visual center of the brain will be interested in the imagination that you are currently thinking of.
If the mind itself is interested in the thought process, it will be relaxed.
And when the mind is relaxed, the eyesight is normal.
30 minutes of uninterrupted palming will rouse the dormant functions of the visual center to help you improve your eyesight.
More palming techniques will be presented in another article.
One important note: make sure your hands are in a convex form so as not to have the palms touch the closed eyelids.
Touching the eyelids while palming will make it strain, certainly not good for the eyes.
SUN GAZING No, it's not staring at the Sun for a few hours.
And it's not as dangerous as people would like you to think.
So what you do here is you should have a swinging chair or a chair that's slightly slanted so you are in somewhat a sun bathing position.
Sit comfortably while the sun is as strong as it can be(no, not while in summer, it burns.
Close your eyes while you are facing the sun, feeling the warmth in the eyes and it is very relaxing.
No effort must be made to face the sun, don't move your neck just to look at the sun, it must be relaxed, too.
Now just for a fraction of a second, blink at the sun(your eyes are closed the whole time, just in case you forgot.
) and feel the warmth flow through your eyes.
As the eyes become more relaxed, the vision will improve.
Important note: If you are really sensitive to light, don't do this.
There have been cases of temporary blindness, which is scary.
But when the blindness was gone, the eyesight was back to normal though.
These two techniques are just some of the many techniques in which you can improve your eyesight naturally without using glasses.
I will be covering some of them in later articles.
Have you ever tried 'trying' to see? Have you noticed that when you try to see, the worse it looks? That is because the eye is STRAINING.
Eye Strain is the cause of bad eyesight.
Any eye doctor will tell you that.
A normal eye never strains, it never stares, it always shift before a strain is produced.
Trying to stare always produces strain, and straining produces bad eyesight.
So if the cause of bad eyesight is simply STRAIN, then won't the cure be simply to RELIEVE the strain? This fact is so profound that it has been ignored for centuries.
If the other muscles of the body have been cured by relieving the strain, then won't it be the same for the eyes? If the eye is straining when it has bad eyesight, and if the eye is relaxed when there is normal vision, then the simple cure would be to relax the eyes.
And here are a few techniques to relax the eyes.
PALMING So far palming is the most effective way to improve your eyesight naturally.
One can do this by putting both his hands in front of his eyes, the palm heels rest at the cheekbones and the fingers cross at the forehead.
It will form something like an X and cover the eyes entirely, so if done right, you won't see anything except for a small light source at the nose bridge.
Sit properly, rest your elbows on the table(or put a few pillows on the table so your elbows doesn't begin to hurt and to make sure your back is aligned properly) and make sure you are relaxed.
Sit properly, rest your elbows on the table, cross the palms (hence the name palming) covering the eyes, then do this for at least a few minutes at first.
Think of something repetitive like being in a canoe down the stream.
Seeing the rocks, the shore, the sun, etc.
Make sure not to deviate from the singular train of thought so that the visual center of the brain will be interested in the imagination that you are currently thinking of.
If the mind itself is interested in the thought process, it will be relaxed.
And when the mind is relaxed, the eyesight is normal.
30 minutes of uninterrupted palming will rouse the dormant functions of the visual center to help you improve your eyesight.
More palming techniques will be presented in another article.
One important note: make sure your hands are in a convex form so as not to have the palms touch the closed eyelids.
Touching the eyelids while palming will make it strain, certainly not good for the eyes.
SUN GAZING No, it's not staring at the Sun for a few hours.
And it's not as dangerous as people would like you to think.
So what you do here is you should have a swinging chair or a chair that's slightly slanted so you are in somewhat a sun bathing position.
Sit comfortably while the sun is as strong as it can be(no, not while in summer, it burns.
Close your eyes while you are facing the sun, feeling the warmth in the eyes and it is very relaxing.
No effort must be made to face the sun, don't move your neck just to look at the sun, it must be relaxed, too.
Now just for a fraction of a second, blink at the sun(your eyes are closed the whole time, just in case you forgot.
) and feel the warmth flow through your eyes.
As the eyes become more relaxed, the vision will improve.
Important note: If you are really sensitive to light, don't do this.
There have been cases of temporary blindness, which is scary.
But when the blindness was gone, the eyesight was back to normal though.
These two techniques are just some of the many techniques in which you can improve your eyesight naturally without using glasses.
I will be covering some of them in later articles.