If you have broken up with your ex and getting your ex back is the number one thing on your mind, you are probably not feeling too good just now. A break up is painful at any time, let alone when you still care for your ex.
Your main concern right now is getting your ex back and how you can accomplish that not tomorrow or next week but right now. It is difficult to come up with a plan when your emotions are in such turmoil.
What would be great is a quick and simple sure-fire plan for getting your ex back but you are probably well aware that it's not going to be that easy. On the other hand, getting your ex back may not be quite as difficult or impossible as you think.
Somewhere between a magic solution and a long, painful and confusing process there is a strategy that will give you the best chance possible of getting your ex back. But first, you need to get real - accept there are no instant solutions - and get those emotions under control.
No strategy for getting you ex back will work unless you achieve the right state of mind - be realistic but positive too. And most of all, stop feeling sorry for yourself and wearing your heart on your sleeve.
Even though you feel wretched it's important that you behave as though you feel just fine thanks. Act as you normally would and do the things you would normally do.
Does this seem an impossible task given the swirl of emotions in your head? Well it isn't. Be an actor. Pretend you feel fine. Pretend all is right with world. Surprisingly, if you do this, you will almost certainly start to actually feel better.
Get your emotions reined in first. Then start developing a plan to get your ex back. It can be done so be patient.
Your main concern right now is getting your ex back and how you can accomplish that not tomorrow or next week but right now. It is difficult to come up with a plan when your emotions are in such turmoil.
What would be great is a quick and simple sure-fire plan for getting your ex back but you are probably well aware that it's not going to be that easy. On the other hand, getting your ex back may not be quite as difficult or impossible as you think.
Somewhere between a magic solution and a long, painful and confusing process there is a strategy that will give you the best chance possible of getting your ex back. But first, you need to get real - accept there are no instant solutions - and get those emotions under control.
No strategy for getting you ex back will work unless you achieve the right state of mind - be realistic but positive too. And most of all, stop feeling sorry for yourself and wearing your heart on your sleeve.
Even though you feel wretched it's important that you behave as though you feel just fine thanks. Act as you normally would and do the things you would normally do.
Does this seem an impossible task given the swirl of emotions in your head? Well it isn't. Be an actor. Pretend you feel fine. Pretend all is right with world. Surprisingly, if you do this, you will almost certainly start to actually feel better.
Get your emotions reined in first. Then start developing a plan to get your ex back. It can be done so be patient.