Business & Finance Small Business

Mobile Small Business: Cut Throat Business

In this arena of cutthroat business competition, companies are vying for attention from customers and for the same; every business is using technology to their advantage. This technology is becoming an integral part of any business.

With the advent of mobile technology and their applications, there has always been felt the need to use this technology to enhance the business applications along with creating new business solutions. Thus Mobile technology is proving to be a boon for the small businesses in making them more advanced and available to their customers. Small businesses have always found themselves restricted to the space, manpower and revenue during their introspection. Any business solution which is designed for these small businesses is expected to incorporate these features into them such that these limitations can be transcended by the solution and an advanced application can be designed and built up which not only surpass the limitation but can have a major impact on the larger customer base.

Some of the Business applications which the mobile technology has brought forward are categorized below along with their applications and uses to the business.

Evernote: This can store notes, audio, text, video anything in the cloud and access it anywhere at any time.
Dropbox: This can save the file on your computer which can be retrieved on your mobile.

Things Great and Powerful Task Manager meant to be used even when while you travel.

ITeleport: You can read, edit, copy, paste your file on your home computer from your mobile from anywhere after you had left your home.

Iterminal: This mobile application enables to accept the credit cards no matter where you are, by paying a small monthly fee.

Flight track pro: This keeps track of the delayed flights, gets changed information, reservations etc.

Mbpointer: This application allows you to use your iPhone as a power point presentation pointer.

Clockin: This is used to manage your time for client projects

Quickoffice: This application allows you to edit a Microsoft word or excel documents

Air place: Your iPad becomes secondary to your desktop computer. Your iPad becomes remote desktop which allows you to access your computer whenever there is a wifi around.

Google Sync synchronizes the Google calendar and contacts between your computer and mobile.

Skype Make Skype to Skype call, chat and access your Skype contact list on the go

Tungle me: Enhances your existing calendar by synchronizing it with the public version where you can propose meeting with partners and clients and allow them to book advance appointments at pre approved times.

These applications maximize your mobile device for the business enhancement. They can manage market and maintain your business thus growing your business in leaps and bounds.

Small business save money and time both when they switch over to mobile application in their day to day use.
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