Business & Finance Corporations

Conditioning By Society - Fortune Social

Conditioning by Society

Most of us were taught as young people to go to college, get a degree, and find a good job working for someone else. Perhaps this "someone else" was a large corporation with lots of benefits, perks, security in a routine payday, and possibly even what most people would call a high salary.

There"s nothing wrong with this of course, but you must ask yourself this question, "what are you trading in return for all these so-called benefits"? What do I mean by this? Well, we are always trading something for something else aren"t we? As I"ve said in my book, "Don"t Get Trampled by the Moose!" we either trade quality for price, or price for convenience, or even convenience for something else we want.

As an employee of someone else, you may trade personal free time for more pay so you can have more money to buy something you want or take a trip you want.

The bottom line is, as an employee, you trade personal freedom for company benefits. This may be just fine for most people, but there"s a segment of our society that is tired of living under the thumb of corporate control.

This segment is growing at an unprecedented rate. People are tired of the broken promises of corporations. A person is hired for a certain hourly wage in return for his time performing a certain task designated by the company.

Then the bottom drops out of the company and people are laid off without warning.

This is not the company"s fault, after all, the economy is affecting everyone, but more than that, how can a company be loyal to a person, or a person be loyal to a company. What is a company anyway?

A company isn"t an individual or entity; it is a conglomerate of people and ideas. Loyalty to a non-entity is misplaced.

You can only be loyal to a person, and most people are more loyal to themselves than any other person; this is normal human nature and is looked down upon by many. However, you must look at the consequences of loyalties if you are to understand how to survive in the current economy in which we find ourselves.

No one could rightly argue against the need for a man to protect and provide for his family, or a single parent to meet the needs of their children. Every person who is responsible for a child must find the means whereby to give them the chance for education and opportunity. This is the basic of all human endeavors.

The greater an individual views the value of the child in their charge, the greater the level at which they will strive to provide for that child"s future. This doesn"t mean just monetary provisions, but emotional and spiritual responsibilities as well. But, we"ll discuss only the monetary responsibilities.

Loyalty to yourself is the only way to secure financial security for you and your family. This action isn"t selfish, as many people may think. Over 200 years ago, most people relied on their ability to provide for themselves.

This attitude of self provision and rugged individualism is what made our nation great. Sadly, large portions of our society today have been conditioned to rely on someone else, namely, the government, to provide for their financial security.

We have seen in recent months just how fragile this relationship can be. So, how does a person achieve financial security in our current economic environment? We have already seen how corporations no longer provide the security of long-term employment.

How can a person provide this security for themselves once again? The answer is, by planning properly for financial freedom.

Fortune Social is the way out.
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