- 1). Choose a pencil and draw a circular outline of the vampire head. Draw a small circle for the chin placement and one small oval on each side of face for the cheekbone placement. Blend the lines together to create the bone structure.
- 2). Draw a long neck, extending from the head with two parallel lines that widen into the shoulders towards the bottom. Illustrated figures look best with thin necks. Add two small holes on the neck with a teardrop shaped drop of blood trickling down.
- 3). Create a horizontal guideline for the shoulders at the bottom of the neck. Draw a small circle for shoulder placement on each end of the guide line. Add another horizontal guideline between the shoulders to represent a collarbone.
- 4). Create guidelines horizontally and vertically on the center of the head for position of the eyes, nose and mouth. Erase guide lines upon completion of drawing.
- 5). Add a hairline across the forehead with emphasis on a characteristic widow's peak, which is a distinct point on the hairline in the center of the forehead.
- 1). Draw almond shaped eyes, as per the guide lines, with emphasis on long lashes towards the edges. Draw a large round circular iris within each eye. Draw a smaller round circle within the iris to represent the pupil.
- 2). Draw the nose, using the guideline for placement in the middle of the face, with the bridge extending towards the eyebrows.
- 3). Draw a raindrop shaped groove below the nose to position the upper lip. Create full pouting lips slightly opened. Add a row of upper teeth and fangs on each corner of the mouth. Draw a droplet of blood dripping from one or both fangs.
- 4). Draw in the vampire's hairstyle, high and wavy on top, beginning at the widow's peak, with long and flowing strands down the sides to the shoulders.
- 5). Choose a sepia pen with a medium nib to add detail to the drawings. Be creative and highlight lips, droplets of blood, lashes and eyes. Darken the pupils, leaving a portion white to represent a glint in the eye.
- 6). Choose a 6B pencil and shade to accentuate cheeks and cheekbones. Continue until drawing is complete.
Face and Hair