Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Looking After Your Ferret

Housing Ferrets are usually housed in large ferret hutches outside although they must be positioned in an area out of direct wind and rain (weather proof).
WARNING : DO NOT USE CREOSOTE IT IS DEADLY TO YOUR FERRET! Ensure that your ferret is clean by removing the droppings daily and placing fresh sawdust in their place.
Luckily the ferret will use the same toilet area all the time.
Diet A balanced healthy diet is key to the welfare of your ferret.
A ferret's diet can be judged by their droppings.
A good diet would produce firm, dark with little odour droppings.
A poor diet will be entirely the opposite, loose light and extremely smelly.
Ferrets are natural meat eaters, therefore you should try and provide them with a relatively natural diet although alternatives are also available.
Ensure that water is changed regularly and that they always have a good supply.
Bowls of water are not particularly good as they can be spilt or contaminated with food, bedding and droppings.
A gravity fed drinking bottle is always a good method.
However, do not let the bottle build up with algae, as this may upset your ferrets stomach.
You can feed your ferret daily on dry food specially formulated for ferrets.
Cat food is also an alternative as it is higher in protein than dog food.
Day old chicks can be provided as a treat perhaps once or twice a month.
More than that may cause health problems.
Food additives - minerals and vitamins are essential to good health and a daily balance is important just as much as it is for humans.
Handling and exercise Regular handling is essential and is something that you must begin as soon as possible.
The ferret will learn to trust you and vice versa.
Pick up your ferret by the scruff of the neck, supporting its under-body with your other hand.
It feels natural to the ferret.
It is also a little more difficult for your ferret to try to nip you.
The more you handle the less the chance that this will happen.
Give your ferret plenty of room for exercise, they need it! This must be supervised if it does not have a secure area to play.
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