There's a lot to consider when planning a baby shower. You may even want to prepare a checklist to make sure everything is covered. Five main things one must consider when planning a shower is the guest list, food/menu, registry, games and decorations. You might want to come up with a theme for the shower whether it's Pretty in Pink, It's a Boy, teddy bear, all white or specific colors that the mommy-to-be likes.
After the date of the shower has been set one should compile a guest list. The planner(s) should decide on a number of guests and whether it will be co-ed or for women only. Some people have showers that consist of couples while others may just be women and small children. A location for the party also has to be decided. Will the shower be held at someone's home or in a restaurant or a church? A lot of baby showers are hosted by a relative or friend.
Now that the location has been chosen and the guest list has been decided on, next comes the menu. You know that food can really make or break a party. Well it's no different with a baby shower. Sure everyone is coming to celebrate with mommy the soon arrival of her little bundle of joy, but it's good to please the guests' tastebuds too. Questions like: Will the party be formal? Will it be catered? Should it be potluck style or buffet-style? all have to be answered. Fruits, veggies and cheese could make up the simple menu or a few select friends could each bring a dish. Whatever the case, a menu should be arranged well enough in advance. Also a cake or cupcakes would be a nice treat for the shower. The baby's name or a congratulatory message could be written on the cake, and with cupcakes you can have cute decoration on each one in harmony with the party theme. If you choose not to get a cake then a couple of sweet desserts should definitely be served.
Invitations play a major role in baby shower planning. How would anyone know to attend if they don't receive an invitation. Cute invitations can be found at the local party store, the supermarket or card greeting store. Now, because of the advancements in technology, eVites are set up online and sent to guests e-mails where they can RSVP and view the registry online. The are also customizable with the ability to upload photos and make your own messages all for free. It's all done digitally. Whether you choose to mail the invitations or e-mail them it is imperative to have a count of those who will and will not be attending. That way the host can be prepared with enough food and party favors.
A couple of weeks prior mail off invitations with directions to the event. You can also start purchasing decorations and party favors. By this time the menu should be finalized and you can also order the cake if you wish but that can be probably done the week of. Some of the decorations you might consider purchasing include: a welcome sign, confetti, balloons, centerpieces hanging or wall decorations, table cover if necessary, streamer, napkins, plates and utensils. You would have already decided on a theme so everything should be in sync with that theme. Around this time party games and prizes can also be bought.
A couple of days before the shower you should make sure the camera batteries are charged and the camera is loaded with film or memory card cleared. Buy fresh flowers if you'd like. Wrap gifts and prizes. Clean up the house and/or party area. Visitors will be using the restroom especially if they are pregnant too. The cake can usually be picked up 1-2 days before. You may even want background music playing during the shower so be sure that all the necessary equipment is working properly. With the right amount of planning and organization you are sure to have an awesome baby shower! Shop for gifts, party decor and prizes at Babies R Us.
After the date of the shower has been set one should compile a guest list. The planner(s) should decide on a number of guests and whether it will be co-ed or for women only. Some people have showers that consist of couples while others may just be women and small children. A location for the party also has to be decided. Will the shower be held at someone's home or in a restaurant or a church? A lot of baby showers are hosted by a relative or friend.
Now that the location has been chosen and the guest list has been decided on, next comes the menu. You know that food can really make or break a party. Well it's no different with a baby shower. Sure everyone is coming to celebrate with mommy the soon arrival of her little bundle of joy, but it's good to please the guests' tastebuds too. Questions like: Will the party be formal? Will it be catered? Should it be potluck style or buffet-style? all have to be answered. Fruits, veggies and cheese could make up the simple menu or a few select friends could each bring a dish. Whatever the case, a menu should be arranged well enough in advance. Also a cake or cupcakes would be a nice treat for the shower. The baby's name or a congratulatory message could be written on the cake, and with cupcakes you can have cute decoration on each one in harmony with the party theme. If you choose not to get a cake then a couple of sweet desserts should definitely be served.
Invitations play a major role in baby shower planning. How would anyone know to attend if they don't receive an invitation. Cute invitations can be found at the local party store, the supermarket or card greeting store. Now, because of the advancements in technology, eVites are set up online and sent to guests e-mails where they can RSVP and view the registry online. The are also customizable with the ability to upload photos and make your own messages all for free. It's all done digitally. Whether you choose to mail the invitations or e-mail them it is imperative to have a count of those who will and will not be attending. That way the host can be prepared with enough food and party favors.
A couple of weeks prior mail off invitations with directions to the event. You can also start purchasing decorations and party favors. By this time the menu should be finalized and you can also order the cake if you wish but that can be probably done the week of. Some of the decorations you might consider purchasing include: a welcome sign, confetti, balloons, centerpieces hanging or wall decorations, table cover if necessary, streamer, napkins, plates and utensils. You would have already decided on a theme so everything should be in sync with that theme. Around this time party games and prizes can also be bought.
A couple of days before the shower you should make sure the camera batteries are charged and the camera is loaded with film or memory card cleared. Buy fresh flowers if you'd like. Wrap gifts and prizes. Clean up the house and/or party area. Visitors will be using the restroom especially if they are pregnant too. The cake can usually be picked up 1-2 days before. You may even want background music playing during the shower so be sure that all the necessary equipment is working properly. With the right amount of planning and organization you are sure to have an awesome baby shower! Shop for gifts, party decor and prizes at Babies R Us.