Health Risks Associated With Late-Preterm Infants
An OVID Medline, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINHAL), and Scopus database search was conducted using terms "infant," "newborn," "child," "premature infant," "gestational age," "latepreterm infants," "near-term infants," "complications," and "morbidity." The results were limited to articles in English. This review included research articles that addressed the topic of short-term newborn outcomes of the late-preterm infant that would be relevant to the pediatric primary care provider. An ancestry search was performed on these articles and included in the review if criteria were met.
An OVID Medline, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINHAL), and Scopus database search was conducted using terms "infant," "newborn," "child," "premature infant," "gestational age," "latepreterm infants," "near-term infants," "complications," and "morbidity." The results were limited to articles in English. This review included research articles that addressed the topic of short-term newborn outcomes of the late-preterm infant that would be relevant to the pediatric primary care provider. An ancestry search was performed on these articles and included in the review if criteria were met.