Family & Relationships

8 Ways to Shake Off The No-Good-Bad-Day Blues

Some days are better than others. Some days are fabulous, and others are...well, just awful! Yesterday was one of those days. The awful kind. The kind where you think, "How could it get any worse?" And then, it does. But I was determined to not let it get the best of me!

It started with me. Yep, I set the tone for the day and I blew it. I just got in this bad mood, this funk. I didn't take the time to calm myself down, or pray or breathe...I just kept plugging along with all the things I thought I HAD to do.

Then Jason, my three year old, started having a bad day. He got really whiny and grouchy, being snatchy with his sister and not listening to his mommy. Time outs weren't working. Nothing was working. And I certainly didn't handle everything well.

So after apologizing to Jason for being such a grouch, I said to myself, "This has GOT to stop! We are going to make this a GOOD day!" So, we decided to go to our local pool. It was a beautiful hot summer day. Perfect pool weather. I gathered our things together (no small task, as I'm sure you know) and we headed over to go for a swim.

The very moment we walked up to the front desk to check in, it began to POUR down rain. Out of nowhere! I thought, "Well, they were gonna get wet anyway! They can play in the rain!" So, I'm changing them into their swimsuits, swim diapers, slathering them with sunscreen in the locker room. We're about to head out the door to the pool area when I hear a big rumbling noise and all the lifeguards whistles blow. Thunder, great. Now we can't swim for 30 more minutes, and free swim ends in one hour. That's it. We're going home!

I try to explain to my children why were leaving as we're walking to the car, past the beautiful, calm, empty pool, WHILE THE SUN IS OUT. The only song I'm singing is the 'no-good-bad day blues!' And I'm about to fall on the ground and throw a temper tantrum myself.

I had to stop by the grocery store on the way home (weeping and wailing in the back seat). At the store, I saw a beam of light from heaven onto a box in the toy section: a slip and slide! The angels were singing, my children were cheering! Yes! I will salvage the remains of this terrible day! No one can stop me now! I have....a slip and slide!

I invited some little friends over, and there were happy squeals of delight in my backyard. I sat there on my patio, with my ice water with lemon slice, watching my children play and felt so happy.

Purchasing a slip and slide is definitely not the answer to all life's problems, but it does help with some. Here are a few things I've learned to help turn a bad day into a good one when you have children.

1) Hugs & Kisses. These go a long way in any situation. They can diffuse bad attitudes (for both mommy and child), heal boo-boos, and reassure everyone of love.

2) Step Outside and Breathe Fresh Air. When all hell breaks loose in the house, try taking a quick breather outside. Breathe in for 4, hold for 4, and out for 8. It helps send oxygen to your brain, which you will need to manage the family chaos with clarity and kindness. And while you're out there, say a little prayer too. We need all the help we can get!

3) Change the Scenery. If you're all inside, go outside. If you're outside, go inside. If they're glued to the Tube, turn it off and pull out the Legos. Go over to a friend's house or have some friends over. You get the idea.

4) Do Something Fun as a Family. Read a book on the couch together. Make Rice Krispy treats. Color. Build a fort with sheets. Focusing on a fun project takes the focus off what (or maybe who) was going wrong before.

5) Do Something for Someone Else. If you're making Rice Krispy treats, take some over to a friend. If you're coloring, draw something and mail it to the Grandmas.

6) Be Silly. Do a silly dance. Sing a silly song. Have a tickle fight. Make everyone participate.

7) Have Pizza or McDonald's for Dinner. I don't know how it is at you're house, but I get immediately upgraded to superhero status when we have either of those things for dinner.

8) Go to Bed Early. If all else fails, go to bed early (including you) and call it a day. Things will be better in the morning.

If your day is taking a downward spiral, and you're singing the 'no-good-bad-day blues,' take a few of these suggestions to help turn things around for you and your family! I use them on a regular basis!
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