Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Tobacco Dangers - What Tobacco Can Do to Your Health

Tobacco dangers can make you suffer if you do not stop soon.
The risk involved with smoking tobacco is serious and should not be set aside like a mere nuisance because it will affect you more than you think or know.
If you want to know the consequences of your tobacco smoking and how it can make you ill with different health condition, read on.
Regardless of the type of brand or sort of tobacco you used, you will still be at risk ad it is something you cannot stop unless you quit now.
The following are list of tobacco dangers that you should make yourself be aware, for your sake.
• Premature skin aging - It is a fact that tobacco is deeply associated with premature skin aging.
So before you worry and consider any cosmetic surgery to make you look young, know that only tobacco is the solution to your problem.
so quit smoking tobacco now if you want your skin to improve and regain its natural beauty.
• Laryngeal cancer - for those who do not know what is the meaning of the word "Laryngeal" it is your voice box.
Cancer of the voice box is just one of the many serious effects of tobacco dangers.
• Lung Cancer - In totality, according to the world health organization the 87% of fatality due to lung cancer are causes by smoking.
So do not believe the saying that tobacco is less dangerous than ordinary cigarette, only fools believe this saying.
• Esophageal Cancer - A person who smokes tobacco for 30 years can still be a candidate for esophageal cancer even though they quit smoking for 26 years.
This is because the length of their smoking period is enough to damage his pyriform sinus; this is located between the esophagus and hypopharyngeal.
• Stomach cancer - The estimated death of 14 - 28 % due to stomach cancer are once again associated or caused by smoking.
• Mental retardation - Yes! Children born by mother who smoke tobacco during pregnancy can suffer from mental retardation.
• Miscarriage - Just like giving birth to a child with mental condition, a pregnant woman who smokes tobacco can also be in danger of miscarriage.
This is a tobacco dangers fact and not a myth that should not be ignored.
• Stroke, Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure - Nicotine can work their way thru your heart.
It can constrict your blood vessels and decreases blood flow in your body's tissues, and thereby resulting in the decreased of self healing that the body is supposed to be capable of doing alone.
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