Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Anyone Can Easily Create A Blog And Claim That They Indeed Know A Magic Formula To Make You Rich

Not only being a successful trader is becoming harder and harder, false web gurus are making it even worse. With high-frequency trading becoming a standard in most markets, you are competing with robots that perform thousand or maybe even millions of calculations per second. So, besides having your completion raised to another level, when you do try to learn how to trade on the market, you are face with loads of misinformation.

The World Wide Web has made it far too easy to anyone with small design knowledge to start a website and use it to promote whatever they feel is right. This leads to a wide array of misinformation that might be hard for a trader that is just starting out to discern what is good and what is bad information. This happens more often than not and I have also felt this strange feeling.

Sometimes I get really angry remembering all the people and "smart" gurus that I have followed and led to believe that I was learning something from them. If there is something that I indeed learned, is to trust only a real small fraction of these "professionals". I'm better off trusting old and famous authors like Joe Ross or Victor Sperandeo. They have a respectable and trusty backtrack that you can trust.


When searching for new knowledge and information out there in the World Wide Web, you are better off not trusting at all anything you see until you are proved wrong. This is not best feeling to have and perhaps will make you feel even more insecure about your trading career, but believe me, this way is better than trusting everyone and seeing all fell apart without having a clue of what just happened. If you trust you and only yourself, at least there are no excuses and no one else to blame so you will be able to completely focus on enhancing your trading skills and not someone else's.
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