Health & Medical Anti Aging

A Healthy Tan Without Risk Thanks to Spray Tans

A spray tan had always been something for the soap stars and WAGs. I was going on holiday with the man of my dreams though, so I had to do something to get rid of my milk bottle white legs before he ran for the hills. I did not want to sit by the pool in my neo pink bikini with a pale body, that isn't a good look for anyone. I needed some colour and needed it quick.

I used to go on sunbeds but with all the warning of cancer, as well as the time needed to build up a tan, I don't go on them anymore. That was why I felt a spray tan would be the best option but I was worried I would go all streaky and look even worse. My biggest fear though was that someone would see me practically naked whilst spraying me!

I decided to bite the bullet though and go to my local spray tan salon. They advised me to shower and shave the day before as well as exfoliate and apply body lotion. I wasn't to apply anything on the day of the tan, including deodorant. I was taken into a side room and given some paper knickers to put on. After removing my clothes I felt a bit uncomfortable but the therapist put me totally at ease, explaining that all she looks at is the spot she is spraying to make sure the tan goes on evenly. So off she went, I had to pose like something out of a body building competition but just closed my eyes and got on with it. It took a few minutes and after I was left to dry with a fan.

The colour looked great straight away and as soon as I was dry I could get dressed. The OMG spray tan I had done developed in an hour and did not streak. I was advised not to shower until the next day and to avoid sitting down for a while just to ensure even coverage. I waited with baited breath for the colour to develop, praying that there were no dodgy streaks or missing patches.

The next morning I woke up and looked at my new bronzed body, it was great. I tried my neon pink bikini on and my spray tan really set it off. When I got by the pool I felt so much better than I would have done if I had been white.
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