Health & Medical Diabetes

Can Bacteria Cause Diabetes?

One of the biggest contributors to diabetes is being overweight.
However, in recent studies it has been shown that intestinal bacteria may be a contributing factor to the way the metabolism works in the body.
There are several different factors that are involved when metabolic syndrome comes into play.
There are many other issues that come along with metabolic disorders and they generally increase the risks that contribute to cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
These include high blood pressure, high blood sugar, obesity and insulin resistance.
The biggest concern about obesity is too much tummy fat.
Research shows that there are bacteria which reside in the digestive tract which seem to have some influence over the body's metabolism.
This is due to the effect that the bacteria has on the way in which the body gets its energy from the food that we eat.
One of the contributing factors that was found is the lack of the protein TLR 5.
It has been found that when this protein is missing, there is a higher risk of obesity as the person eats more and the body does not get rid of the associated fat correctly.
There are many different bacteria that live within the body.
Many of them help with infections and the way that our body operates.
The gut bacteria seem to be a major factor in the way that we are able to lose weight and keep obesity at bay.
Of course we still need to eat properly and take the right amount of exercise but these new findings about the protein in the gut bacteria may explain why so many people have a hard time losing weight or they want to eat more and move less.
The research is still ongoing, looking for answers.
When studies were done on mice that did not have the TLR5 protein in the gut bacteria, they were found to be more prone to high blood pressure, insulin resistance and gaining weight.
It was even seen that they ate more and moved less.
It stands to reason that this may be one of the factors that contributes to diabetes in people.
The question then becomes one of successfully getting the protein to those who are missing it, and making it work for them, in order to lower the risk of diabetes.
It is not known as of yet if the bacteria in the gut starts out this way or if it changes as we grow older.
Diabetes has already been shown to have many factors, such as lifestyle and family heredity.
Now, with these findings that it may be possible intestinal bacteria in the gut may also be a factor to the disease, we may be one step closer to finding a resolution.
Naturally, taking care of yourself will go a long way to staying healthy and keeping diabetes at bay.
Eating a proper healthy diet and getting the right amount of exercise can help in preventing diabetes as well as keeping you from becoming obese and therefore putting yourself at a higher risk level.
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