- Never ignore the signs and symptoms of mold in your home.Jeffrey Coolidge/Photodisc/Getty Images
Mold grows in damp and warm environments. Of the approximately 200,000 types of mold, most are benign and of no harm to humans. Some can cause health problems, however, as well as irreparable damage to homes. Numerous signs and symptoms may point to mold as a problem in your home. - Prime areas for mold growth include areas with heavy, damp air---such as a poorly vented laundry room---or any place where water comes into a home. A leak in a roof allowing water to flow down the inside of a wall could lead to mold problem as well. Food sitting for a long time may become a source of mold. Mold can also start in garbage cans and air conditioners, or even on a foam rubber pillow.
- Numerous signs can indicate mold in your home. These include stale and musty smells, both in the house itself and on fabrics; previously unseen black or white spots on walls and other surfaces; and a damp or soggy feel to wood, cardboard or other areas of the home.
- Mold can cause health problems even if it goes undetected in a home. Symptoms may include sneezing, coughing, running noise or respiratory problems; unexpected rashes; irritation to the eyes, nose and throat; headaches; and fatigue occurring for no apparent reason. More extreme symptoms from prolonged mold exposure may include anxiety, personality disorders, abdominal pain, hair loss, numbness in the hands and feet, pain and tremors. Never ignore such symptoms; remove the mold immediately.
Potential Origins
Physical Symptoms