Business & Finance Business News

Shutdowns, Budgets, and Babies

THE DEAL: The devil always lurks in the dirty details and, as specifics emerge on last Friday night's eleventh hour settlement of the budget stalemate and threat of a government shutdown, it's becoming clearer by the day that Republicans were snookered-again. President Barack Hussein Obama may have been the primary snookerer but Speaker John Boehner earned the prize as head of the snookered.

It was made to appear by both sides of the aisle that the spirit of compromise, the essence of politics, carried the night. By Saturday, the president was taking credit for cutting spending by "historic" amounts, the GOP was gloating that it had cut $38.5 billion from a bloated budget, and there was peace and tranquility on Capitol Hill.

Call it smoke and mirrors or compromise, it all boils down to distortions and lies.

Obama was hauled kicking and screaming to the cuts, the Republicans had sold out their original demands for $100 billion in spending, the deficit had already increased 15.7% or by $829 billion in the first half of fiscal 2011, the IMF is issuing warnings on the credibility of America's borrowing, and the GOP demonstrated by its capitulation on Friday that all its noises about cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security entitlements and the nation's crippling $14 trillion long-term public debt were just that, noises lacking substance.

The party of fiscal integrity has lost one more strategic battle and its general, John Boehner, in office twenty years now, has proven he is just another old Washington hack, part of the problem devoid of any solutions.

It will be a busy, and challenging, rest of the week for the Speaker. He must first get conservatives to swallow his lemon of a deal and vote for the 2011 budget or count on Democrats to do it for him and then comes the real test. Scheduled for Friday is a vote on the Republican fiscal 2012 spending, and cutting, plan when they move "from saving billions of dollars to saving trillions of dollars."

Based on Boehner's boners last Friday, don't expect him to redeem himself in the eyes of conservatives. It should be more of the same-old as the country advances toward insolvency and its financial Armageddon.

THE BABIES: Much was made of the budget deal's elimination of public funding for abortions in Washington, D.C., which was commendable. However, instead of seizing the initiative by virtue of their control of the House of Representatives and following through on its pledge to defund Planned Parenthood in the fiscal 2011 budget, Republicans punted in the abortion compromise.

Planned Parenthood, the nation's foremost abortionist which performs almost a thousand abortions every day, will now have its funding decided by Congress.

The funding issue will be presented to the House as a stand-alone question and Republicans will undoubtedly strip PP of all taxpayer monies. It will then go before pro-abortion Democrats in the Senate which will just as surely decline to de-fund a generous supporter.

Result? Business as usual in Planned Parenthood "clinics" and they will go on for at least another year snuffing out the lives of hundreds of thousands of pre-born babies as they collect hundreds of millions in taxpayer subsidies.

A few D.C. babies may survive the abortionists' scalpels and acid as a result of the deal even as the lives of those hundreds of thousands in PP "clinics" are tossed into garbage pails.

Some compromise!
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