- MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighters train to improve several areas of their skills for fighting. While each fighter is different and each has his unique style, they all work on striking, take-downs, wrestling/grappling and physical conditioning.
Striking is a fighter's ability to punch or kick. Take-down refers to a combatant's skill at bringing their foe to the ground for the next area of skill: wrestling. Wrestling/grappling is the art of maneuvering one's body to attack a fighter. Finally, physical conditioning focuses on a fighter's ability to maintain energy and strength during the rounds. - MMA fighters typically train six days a week. To improve their striking, a fighter will practice their punches and kicks with pads, punching bags and sparring. They will emphasis jabs, crosses and hooks as well as knees and kicks. They'll practice roundhouse kicks, push-kicks and side kicks. They will typically practice striking four times a week.
For wrestling, MMA fighters will focus on holds, grips, locking of joints and sprawling to escape from an opponent's hold. MMA training will incorporate wrestling & grappling four times as well. It is also a key piece of the wrestling training to learn how to move back onto a dominant position.
When MMA fighters train for takedowns, they emphasize leg sweeps, locking legs and bringing opponents down to the ground. Fighters practice throws and dives for the legs as well. Takedowns must be learned well to avoid injury on the fighter executing as well.
MMA fighters incorporate a large amount of Jiu Jitsu into their routines. Years ago, Jiu Jitsu was unheard of but began to make its way into every fighter's arsenal. Those in training will cover joint locks, arm and leg bars, choke-outs and strikes while on the ground. They will practice Jiu Jitsu three to four times weekly. - MMA requires excellent physical conditioning. Conditioning is a fighter's ability to maintain energy, strength and precision during the match. To increase their conditioning, fighters will focus on building their endurance and stamina by cardio exercises such as jogging and running. They will especially emphasis interval training to simulate shifts in pacing while fighting.
Fighters also train in weight-lifting to improve strength and muscle power for overall performance.